“Russian Fighter Jet and Helicopter Crashes: Latest News and Updates on Losses in the Ukraine War”

2023-05-21 03:01:00

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Von: Nadja Zinsmeister

Several fighter jets and helicopters crashed on Russian territory on Saturday. It is the Luftwaffe’s largest casualty to date.

Moscow/Kyiv – Russia has the weekend in Ukraine war suffered a major loss in the Luftwaffe. Several fighter jets and helicopters were shot down while still on Russian territory on Saturday (May 13). While Russian media initially reported a total of two Mi-8 helicopters and two Sukhoi Su-34 and Su-35 fighter jets that had crashed, the spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, Yuriy Ihnat, spoke of a total of three helicopters shot down next to the fighter jets on Sunday .

Russia loses fighter jets and helicopters in Ukraine war

All planes crashed in the Bryansk region of western Russia on Saturday. The Bryansk governor Alexander Bogomas initially only officially confirmed a helicopter crash. Several videos of the explosion in the air and the subsequent crash of wreckage circulated on social networks.

It is unclear who was responsible for the downing of the fighter jets and helicopters. The Ukrainian Air Force has officially denied responsibility for shooting down fighter jets and helicopters on Russian territory in the Bryansk region. Not the Ukraine, but according to Ihnat, the Russian air defense was responsible for the crash. The Russian jets had prepared an attack with glide bombs. “They wanted to bomb our peaceful people, our regions,” the spokesman said. Therefore, it was pleasant for him to read such news regarding crashes at the Russian enemy.

A Russian Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bomber during a military exercise (icon image). © Vitaliy Timkiv/AP/dpa

Meanwhile, throws for Russia Commander Alexander Khodakowski, who is fighting in eastern Ukraine, accused Ukraine of being responsible for shooting down the planes. The Ukraine might meanwhile expand its room for maneuver thanks to the western arms deliveries. He rejected the fact that the Russian anti-aircraft defense system shot down several of its own machines as a result of a “stupid mistake”. After Several fighter jets crash in Russia Wagner boss Prigozchin had also interfered and shared his theory.

Fighter jet and helicopter crash in Russia largest loss in Russian Air Force so far

At least nine people are said to have been killed in the crashes. However, there was no official information on this. According to the US military newspaper Task & Purpose the shooting down of fighter jets and helicopters represents the largest Russian loss in the air force since the beginning of the war. So far, Russia has been able to carry out attacks from the air. On Saturday, however, it was the first time that Russian planes were shot down within Russia’s borders.

The plane crashes on Russian territory came just a day following Ukraine firsthe newly delivered Storm Shadow missiles from the UK deployed and used it to shell two industrial plants in Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. According to the military newspaper, the missiles might also reach Russia in terms of their range. However, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that Ukraine had pledged to only use them once morest targets within its own borders. (nz/dpa)

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