Tips for working well on screen

2023-05-16 10:14:51

What positions are recommended when working on a computer?

There is no ideal position for working on a computer! “But there is a posture of least discomfort”says Laurent Kerangueven, ergonomist, INRS advisory assistance expert.

The sitting is far from being the ideal position, it is too sedentary. Women and men are made to move!

The sitting position has adverse health effects. It impacts the metabolism, it promotes cardiovascular diseases, it disrupts blood circulation, it generates cmuscle and joint strain at the level of the back… Hence the importance of having a good ergonomics at work.

The posture of least discomfort requires the establishment of a good layout of his workstation. “As the seated posture is not the ideal posture, we must first keep in mind that it is essential to get up regularly as part of its activity. It is, for example, advisable to break the sitting posture for 1 to 2 minutes every 30 minutes, or for 5 minutes every hour”warns Laurent Kerangueven.

Then, whether in the office or at home, working remotely, the main principles to respect in the layout of your workstation are the same. Laurent Kerangueven details them.

Feet flat on the floor

To do this, you have to adjust your seat. When the latter is not adjustable, it is possible to use a footrest. The latter can have a height between 4 and 15 cm and an inclination of up to 15 °.

The correct position of the thighs

These must be horizontal on the seat and the knees at right angles. The back of the knees should not touch the edge of the seat, otherwise the blood circulation may be disturbed.

Position your arms correctly

Elbows should be as close to the body as possible and at right angles. In order to avoid too much stress on the shoulders, avoid placing documents between you and your keyboard. Otherwise the latter will be too far away and the elbows badly positioned.

Well-aligned hands

The hands must be in line with the forearms to avoid any breakage at the level of the wrists.

The straight back

The back should be straight, supported by the back of the seat. A Pilates ball can be used throughout the day for short periods. The unstable seat that it induces allows the adoption of more dynamic and more varied postures.

What are the best practices to adopt to limit the risk of screen work?

In addition to settling in a position of least discomfort, special attention must also be paid to your equipment.

« The laptop is not, for example, not suitable for working for long periods. The ideal is to work on a large computer screen and a sufficiently large work surface, specifies the ergonomics. However, this is not always possible. But some practices are to be avoided! Especially in telework where many people work on their sofa with the computer on their knees or on a coffee table, on a dining room chair, or even in their bed!

How to install your computer

“If it’s a laptop, ideally it should be hooked up to an external monitor of one size. sufficient, advises Laurent Kerangueven. If this is not possible, it is at least advisable to raise the laptop using an inclined support, or failing that, a stack of books. This keeps the top of the monitor at eye level. However, for people wearing progressive lenses, the screen should be positioned slightly lower. »

As for its installation on the worktop, “You should avoid placing it just below a source of direct lighting (for example a ceiling light), because of the reflections that this can cause. In the same way, it is recommended to position it perpendicular to a window, advises the ergonomist. If the computer has its back to the window, it is then necessary to think of using the curtains and the blinds if necessary to avoid any reflection likely to cause glare, even punctual. »

Desk position with 2 screens: When working on several screens, there may be several possibilities depending on the work carried out. On 2 screens, if one is consulted more than the other, it must be placed facing you. If the work is identical on the 2 screens, they must be installed symmetrically.

If working on 3 screens, these must be positioned in an arc. Beyond 3 screens, it is essential to have a wheelchair in order to be able to move easily to be in front of the different screens.

What is the right light in the room?

Light conditions are important to fight once morest eyestrain. “The lighting must, above all, be adapted to the tasks to be carried out. If the visual requirements of the task are high, the lighting must be adapted accordingly”specifies the ergonomist.

How to adjust your screen for the eyes? How far and how high?

It is not enough to have eyes at the right heightyou must also have them at the right distance from the screen. What is it ? “To have good visual comfort, the distance between the screen and the eyes should be between 50 and 70 cm (i.e. the length of an arm), depending on the size of the screen”, specifies the ergonomics.

How to choose your mouse

There are several kinds: touchpad for laptops, wired or wireless mouse, ergonomic mouse, right-handed, left-handed, etc. “A wireless mouse, adapted to the size of the hand or a so-called ‘ergonomic mouse’, for example vertical or inclined, makes it possible to limit stress on the wrist”informe Laurent Kerangueven.

These mice are particularly preferable to the touchpad of the laptop. “The latter notably requires the use of a single finger to avoid any involuntary movement of the cursor with the other fingers, and it puts more strain on the shoulders and forearms”warns the ergonomist.

What display to use the screens well?

“It is recommended to opt for a display with positive polarity, i.e. with dark characters on a light backgroundinforme Laurent Kerangueven. This type of display is less tiring for the view than a display on a dark background. And it prevents the eye from adapting to different polarities, the background color being for example the same between a paper document and that of the screen. »

What type of light emitted by computer screens?

THE blue light filters or blue light blocking glasses are not necessarily useful. When to use it? “It can be interesting when working on a computer in the evening”, recommends the ergonomist. The reason ? Blue light inhibits the secretion of melatonin, which is annoying in the evening because the time to fall asleep can be extended.

Computer work: what are musculoskeletal disorders?

If one is incorrectly installed, the computer work can have adverse health effects and ailments can develop. Which ? “Visual fatigue, of course, but also damage to the neck, back, arms”, lists the ergonomist. More precisely, the pathologies developed can be “carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist, tendinitis or epicondylitis in the elbow, painful shoulder syndrome or tendinitis in the shoulder, cervicalgie in the neck and low back pain in the lower back”explains Laurent Kerangueven.

Hence the importance of taking the necessary time to properly arrange your office. Do not hesitate to ask for help by contacting the company’s prevention officer or its occupational health and prevention department.

#Tips #working #screen



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