2023-05-20 14:42:53
20 mei 2023 om 05:00Update: een uur geleden
Young influencers are important for cosmetic brands. If a mascara or skin cream goes viral, chances are it will become a successful product. Nevertheless, the Dutch Cosmetics Association tries to curb these advertisements: “Brands do not realize the consequences for the self-image of young people.”
On social media, many girls can be seen smearing themselves layer by layer in front of the camera, so that they can go on the red carpet at the end of the video. Almost unrecognizable.
The videos are fired at young people, who spend an average of three hours a day on social media, according to figures from TeamAlert. It is not for nothing that companies pay influencers to present the products online. If a company sees its foundation go viral, there is a good chance that turnover will increase.
But the Dutch Cosmetics Association (NCV) looks at this branch of sport with regret. “Influencers and brands have really not realized enough what the effect of the advertisements can be,” says manager Marjolein van Oostrum.
The consequences for young people can be significant. “The self-image of adolescents is fragile and impressionable,” says assistant professor Anne-Mette Hermans. Her research shows that young people can be critical of idealized content, but that they also adopt the ideal image to some extent.
Obsession with appearance is also personal
It is difficult to determine the influence of online commercials on the self-confidence of young viewers, because there are always several factors involved when someone becomes extremely insecure. Personal characteristics also play a role. “The obsession with appearance plays a broader role in society. But the cosmetics industry responds well to that,” says Hermans.
“We believe that everyone should have a good self-image and should not be negatively influenced by advertisements,” says Van Oostrum. “Young people in particular are so beautiful in themselves.”
According to Van Oostrum, the fact that all smearing young influencers propagate the opposite is not the goal of the make-up industry. She calls it “worrying” that young people become so insecure regarding all the make-up videos.
archyde news code has already become stricter
Last January, the code was tightened for cosmetics advertisements. “For example, we have agreed that we should not focus on children that are too young,” says Van Oostrum. Influencers must also adhere to this.
In addition, aimed specifically at children, minors and vulnerable consumers must be made “with care and respect,” the code says. “This is a bit vague, which makes it difficult to enforce the code,” says Hermans. It is almost impossible to measure which provokes obsessive behavior in an adolescent.
In many cases it is not sufficiently clear that is being made, the Media Authority (CvdM) recently concluded on the basis of a sample. The archyde news Code Foundation only investigates advertisements if complaints are received regarding them. And there are hardly any complaints, let the foundation know.
Not one body image that should be preferred
At the same time, Hermans sees that many companies are committed to a more realistic image of the appearance, with Dove as one of the forerunners. For example, there are already many more different body types to be seen in advertisements.
The code also says that no one body image may be given preference over another body image. “I find that ironic, because the cosmetics industry largely stands or falls with ideal images of the body,” concludes Hermans.
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