IV President Knill criticizes the FPÖ for criticizing migration

2023-05-20 10:48:14

According to the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), Austria suffers from its anti-immigration image in the competition for skilled workers from abroad. The country’s appearance, which is also characterized by the buzzword “Fortress Austria”, which was recently used by the right-wing FPÖ, is getting around, said the head of the Federation of Industrialists (IV), Georg Knill, the Association of Foreign Press. “We feel that, we notice that.”

Politicians have failed to make a clear distinction between illegal migration, which everyone rejects, and the often desired influx of skilled workers. “There is no differentiation in the public discussion,” Knill continued.

WKÖ President Harald Mahrer took the same line in several interviews on Saturday. A party like the FPÖ that wants to “raise walls” is bad for an “export-oriented country that is heavily dependent on international tourists and is scientifically and culturally networked in the world,” he told the daily newspaper “Die Presse”. At the federal level, he found it “difficult to imagine working with people who want to wall in the country, keyword Fortress Austria,” said Mahrer.

#President #Knill #criticizes #FPÖ #criticizing #migration



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