2023-05-19 12:38:28
Dear Governor! From the numerous letters to the editor in the SN and on the Internet and the many public protests I gather that your decision to form a government with the FPÖ is a wrong decision.
Your voters are disappointed and angry, especially since you firmly ruled out working with this party before the election. That’s why you were chosen.
The majority of Salzburg residents are convinced that an anti-Europe party with climate change and corona deniers as well as Orban and Putin glorifiers should not take responsibility in a Salzburg state government.
It is up to you to comply with this mandate. Think of your father’s legacy: “Take care of my Salzburg”.
Stand by your original statement and break off negotiations with the FPÖ immediately. It’s not too late yet. Have the courage and 75 percent of the people of Salzburg will be grateful to you. In any case, it is the majority in the country that wants this.
If this step is not possible for you, it would be better to retire from politics with decency.
Stefanie Planter, 5020 Salzburg
#voters #Salzburg #disappointed