FPÖ – Amesbauer: ÖVP Minister of the Interior Karner replicated with ‘Glaukler’-Sager on the ÖVP-Asyl-PR | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-05-19 07:44:46

Strengthen red-white-red sovereignty and self-determination instead of EU asylum policy!

Vienna (OTS) “He has proved extensively that ÖVP Minister of the Interior Karner has nothing to do with the ‘Fortress Austria’. With over 112,000 asylum applications, 2022 was an absolute negative record year. In comparison with other EU countries, Austria was in the top league, both in absolute figures and even more so in terms of the per capita burden. If, in view of this balance sheet, he says that the Austrian government would protect the national borders where necessary, it is outrageous and embarrassing. The fact is that it is not a question of border protection, but of a ‘Welcome Service’ for illegal immigrants from all over the world,” reacted FPÖ security spokesman NAbg today. Hannes Amesbauer on an interview in the German daily newspaper “Die Welt” with ÖVP Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.

“When he coined the word ‘juggler’, which he gave to the best interior minister in the second republic, he can only have replicated it to the ÖVP asylum PR. Under Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, a total of 5,800 original asylum applicants came in 2018. These are those who are new to the country, without family members, later children and multiple applicants. Under Karner, there were already 7,227 original applicants in the first three months of this year alone. Last year it was well over 100,000. In view of this data, which incidentally comes from his department, it is very bizarre to throw words like ‘juggler’ around,” emphasized the liberal safety spokesman.

Amesbauer also clearly rejected the statements regarding a common European asylum system: “Nobody wants Brussels to decide how many new ‘ethnic migrants’ are to be admitted to Austria. Karner’s ‘expectation’ that no more illegal immigrants will arrive in this country is at most the next PR smear from the ÖVP. The path of freedom is fundamentally different here. We must strengthen our red-white-red sovereignty and self-determination by expanding Article 1 of our constitution: ‘Austria is a democratic, well-fortified, perpetually neutral, sovereign republic. Your rights emanate from the Austrian federal people.’ So that we Austrians can once once more decide for ourselves who we want to let into our country.”

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Liberal Parliament Club
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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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