I praise Maslatón and challenges the “hateful” Duggan: curiosities of Cristina Kirchner in C5N

2023-05-19 05:25:00

Cristina Kirchner gave an exclusive interview on C5N this Thursday during which he surprised with some of his speeches, such as unexpected praise for Carlos Maslaton and the challenges to the driver Pablo Duggan as a result of “noises” that were perceived inside the television studio. Another of the surprises of the live report was the fragility of the leader of the Frente de Todos when talking regarding her daughter, Florence Kirchner, whom he defined as an “extraordinary woman”. A registered peak of rating (11.3 points) when he recapitulated his decision to form the formula with Alberto Fernández in 2019.

When the vice president exposed her proposal on “parole”, she relied on the statements of a panelist from the Hard to tameCynthia García, and then dedicated a unexpected praise to Carlos Maslatón.

Cristina Kirchner on the verge of breaking down when her daughter spoke: “Florencia depends on me, she is sick”

Cristina Kirchner: “I love Maslatón”

“Cynthia said that it was strictly the issue of the lack of freedom to decide… she was supported by Maslaton as well. I love maslaton. I don’t think of anything like him, but I love him.”

“I love Maslaton, it amuses me a lot”Cristina Kirchner opined. “She wants to meet you,” Duggan replied.

Cristina Kirchner in C5N.

IMF was the word most mentioned by Cristina Kirchner

He International Monetary Fund leads the ranking of the most repeated expressions (in 11 opportunities) by the vice president during the live interview. Next, the detail with the most recurring topics

  • FMI: 11 times.
  • Courts: 7 times.
  • Judicialization of politics: 4 times.
  • maximum kirchner: 4 times.
  • Nestor Kirchner: 3 times.
  • Mauricio Macri: 3 times.
  • Sergio Massa: 2 times.

“Che, what a noise they are making out there,” Cristina Kirchner reproached

In a section of the interview, Cristina Kirchner asked for silence and there was a brief moment of tension in the studio.

“Hey, what a noise you are making over there. Please…”said the vice president as she looked around her.

“The staff is entering… we enter later. We stop it here, please”, Duggan said so as not to bother Cristina Kirchner. “We need you to be comfortable, so please don’t move,” insisted the journalist.

“I always challenging, I can’t with my genius”the head of the Senate apologized.

Another of the disagreements occurred when the journalist interrupted the guest to ask another question, and she He stopped him to ask to let him “close his idea”.

Regarding the insistent consultation regarding her eventual candidacy, the vice president was sharp: “Text comprehension“, he claimed. “It is very clear what I published the other day”he clarified regarding the letter he released regarding his resignation.

A crowd approached the C5N studios to ask for the candidacy of Cristina Kirchner. Telam: Pictures



There was also room for Chicanas, since the interviewee pointed out to Duggan that He was “hateful” when he expressed a critical position towards Kirchnerism. The driver tried to justify himself and remembered that he had explained in a book that he had changed his mind.

However, Duggan was not the only recipient of criticism, as Cristina Kirchner admitted that she watches other channels, including “bad boys from TN”.

Sometimes I also see the bad boys of TN“, he declared.




Peak rating during the interview with CFK in C5M

Around 10 p.m. the rating of C5N reached 11.3 pointsjust at the moment when the vice president remembered the day she announced the formula with Alberto Fernández, four years ago.

A few minutes before, the channel obtained the mark of 10.6 points, which meant a significant gap with respect to the rating of the rest of the channels: Telefe (9.2), El Trece (9.1), LN+ (3.2), El Nueve (2.5) , Chronicle (1.4), TN (1.3), A24 (1.1).

Cristina Kirchner was moved when talking regarding her daughter Florencia

Besides, Cristina Kirchner showed a more emotional facet when reflecting on the impact that the assassination attempt had on his daughter, Florence Kirchner.

“Let’s see… Máximo is a man, it doesn’t depend on me. But my daughter, Florencia, depends on me. She has told me not to think regarding her, to do what I have to do. My daughter is an extraordinary woman who is sick, she has a pathology like any woman can have. Linked, well, with what we already know, I don’t want to talk regarding it either. She needs me”he expressed on the verge of tears.

“Thinking what would be of Florence if I wasn’t here is something that affects me humanly. There is a tendency towards dehumanization.”


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#praise #Maslatón #challenges #hateful #Duggan #curiosities #Cristina #Kirchner #C5N



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