Federal Piquetera March: Protesters Mobilize for Food Solutions at Ministry of Justice Development

2023-05-18 15:15:39

The “Federal Piquetera March” who made the camp in Plaza de Mayo during the night of Wednesday, will mobilize once more this Thursday. Together with organizations and social movements They march towards the Ministry of Justice Development.

The organizations nucleated in Picket Unit join this Thursday the protest carried out by the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP), el Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL); TO Autonomous CTA and the Front Miracle Room.

Also read: Tolosa Paz asked the Ombudsman for Children to intervene in the piquetero camp so that there are no children in the march

This Thursday morning, the picketers broke up the encampment they had set up in the Plaza de Mayo, concentrated in the obelisk and began marching towards the Social Development building. The protesters demand “a solution to the food problem that the country is going through.”

Picket march, LIVE: the latest news, minute by minute

Piquetero march: where will the piquetero march end?

The closing of the march will be today at the Ministry of Social Development where, although it is not expected that there will be an act with a central speaker, it will be the meeting point for all the protesters, so it will impact the free circulation of vehicles on 9 de Julio avenue.

Piquetero march: where are the cuts in the City of Buenos Aires

Total cuts:

  • Av. 9 de Julio between San Juan and Av. Santa Fe (includes the Metrobus).
  • Av. Paseo Colon between Av. Independencia and Venezuela northbound (does not affect the Metrobús).

partial cuts:


  • Av. Belgrano and Av. 9 de Julio south.
  • Av. Belgrano and Av. Entre Ríos.
  • Bernardo de Irigoyen and Av. San Juan.
  • Av Independencia and Av Paseo Colón.
  • Av. 9 de Julio south and Av. Córdoba.
  • Av. Corrientes and Av. Callao.
  • Exit Carlos Calvo and AU. Ricardo Balbin.
  • Exit Av 9 de Julio and AU. 25 of May.
  • Exit Av San Juan and AU. 25 of May.

Police fencing continues:

  • Peru between Av. Pres JA Roca and Hipólito Yrigoyen (total cut, but the pedestrian crossing is enabled).

Who protests in the Federal Piquetero March this Thursday, May 18

The promoters of the claim are: the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP)and the Picket Unitwhere is the Polo Obrero (PO), led by Eduardo Belliboni, who began the march last Monday, from La Quiaca as the starting point.

Also participating in the measure:

  • The Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE).
  • The Central of Workers of the Autonomous Argentina (Autonomous CTA).
  • He Communist Revolutionary Party.

Piquetero march: the columns of protesters begin to arrive at Social Development

The picketers walk along 9 de Julio Avenue and the first columns of protesters begin to arrive at the Social Development building.

Chaos in the City of Buenos Aires: total cut in July 9

After camping in Plaza de Mayo and concentrating on the Obelisk, picketers march through 9 de Julio towards the building of the Ministry of Social Development. The streets that are collapsed are the following:

  • Total cut in the central lanes of July 9.
  • Cerrito and Carlos Pellegrini: total cut.
  • Corrientes: cut off at the height of Callao.

After concentrating on the Obelisk, the piqueteros mobilize towards Social Development

After the night encampment in Plaza de Mayo, the protesters of the Piquetera Unit cThe mobilization towards the Ministry of Social Development began at 10:00. They claim once morest the National Government for the agreement with the International Monetary Fund, and once morest Minister Victoria Tolosa Paz for the drop in the plans.

They raised the camp in Plaza de Mayo

Piquetera Unit lifted the camp in Plaza de Mayo and will concentrate on the Obelisk and then move to the building of the Ministry of Social Development.

Belliboni: “If the government applies the program of the right, it is not scared that the right will come later”

Eduardo Belliboni, leader of the Piquetero Unit, once more attacked the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz, for asking the Ombudsman for Children to intervene in the piquetero camp so that there are no children in the march.

“The Tolosa Paz thing is not serious. There are no children in the camp, the children are on the street because they don’t have enough to eat. The children’s defense did not even come because he is a fool. If there is an Ombudsman, that they go to see every day the problems they have to eat in the neighborhoods, ”Belliboni replied.

The piquetero referent said that “there is an extreme point in Tolosa Paz because it has all the official social movements in the streets, denouncing the adjustment made by the Ministry of Social Development.”

“The comrades who are inside say that they are a disaster. I am not saying it as a trotsko, the movements that are with them say it. At one point you have to tell the president, as Cristina said, that she is an official who does not work, ”she pointed out.

Then, he accused the head of the Social Development portfolio of going “on a campaign to Comodoro Rivadavia.” “Is it time to go campaign? She is a minister who does not listen, she is from another social station. needs, he doesn’t know what it’s like because he never lived it.”

“If the government continues to apply the program of the right, don’t be afraid that the right will come. Because why would you want to buy the copy if you have the original. We have a lurking right and the claims are not heard. There is no more room to continue adjusting to those who have less,” she closed.

Picketers once morest Tolosa Paz for their complaint regarding the presence of children in the march: “That worries them more than that they cannot eat”

From Libres del Sur they responded to the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz, for having denounced the presence of children in the piquetero camp on Wednesday in Plaza de Mayo.

“We tell our colleagues to avoid taking the boys to the camps. It is an indication because having boys is a plus of responsibility. But there is a reality that is that boys often cannot be left alone. And there is another reality, which is that the children often have a plate of food in the camp and the minister is not concerned regarding that,” said Silvia Saravia.

The social leader denounced that “there are a million and a half children who suffer from a lack of food” and that the organizations respond to this problem.

“I am concerned that Tolosa Paz is more concerned that the children are in the mobilization and not that more than a million children cannot eat in the country. This is the product of the decision of people who have at their disposal the decision on everything that has to do with social policy,” he added.

Social organizations denounced a lack of food: “Two days ago the April food arrived”

Silvia Saravia, a reference for Barrios de Pie, denounced food shortages in soup kitchens and pointed once morest the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz.

“I am worried because the situation is very serious and the cuts in Social Development continue. We are in the middle of May and we do not have the food schedule for this month,” Saravia said.

The social leader revealed that two days ago “they finished delivering the April food a few days ago and the May ones are going to be ignored because they always do this.”

In turn, he said that the Development portfolio had promised them a delivery of more than 20 products, but that in the end “they do not go beyond 5 or 6”. “Last month they delivered oil for the first time and on top of that they did it in some mouths, not all,” he added.

“We ask the Ministry to regulate the amount of food in order to have predictability,” he closed.

Libres del Sur will not mobilize in the piquetero march

Silvia Saravia, a reference for the social organization Libres del Sur, announced that they will not mobilize this Thursday towards the Ministry of Social Development because they will march “sectors that have officials in the government”.

The pre-candidate for governor of Buenos Aires targeted the organizations Somos Barrios de Pie and Movimiento Evita for having met with the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, a few weeks ago.

“In today’s claim many things come together. We are not going to go to the mobilization today because sectors that have officials in the government are mobilizing, for example the Evita Movement and Somos Barrios de Pie. They are two sectors that met with Massa three weeks ago and they told him that they thanked him for everything they were doing,” Saravia explained regarding the decision they made from Libres del Sur.

The social leader separated Grabois for “not coming together to praise Massa”, but pointed out: “Those who lead the UTEP, who are those of the Evita Movement, did.”

“They are still part of the Ministry. That is why we say that we have nothing to do with this UTEP, the one that the government decided to support and this adjustment plan. That is why we are not going to mobilize with them, we have raised the debate in the Piquetera Unit and we have told them that we do not agree because it leads to confusion in society and in the neighborhoods, ”he added.

Saravia said that “you cannot be a pro-governmentist and criticize at the same time” and pointed out once morest the Minister of Economy: “What Massa does is carry out a program that makes cuts, adjustments. Tolosa Paz does not do what occurs to him, he does it because it is part of a demand from the Ministry of Economy, which in turn is a demand from the IMF ”.

Picket march: what time does the mobilization begin?

The mobilization towards the Ministry of Social Development will have two stages:

  • 9 am: concentration at the Obelisk.
  • 11 am: mobilization towards the building of the Ministry of Social Development.

Piquetero march: what the social organizations demand

The mobilization called by the Piquetera Unit and other social organizations demand “a solution to the food problem that the country is going through”, in full confrontation with the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz.

“With the priority placed on the unity of action to face hunger, poverty and the deepening of the crisis, all the social movements will carry out a day of struggle at the national level,” they wielded in an official statement issued on Wednesday.

From the Piquetera Unit, they pointed out: “Despite this evident deterioration in living conditions, the government continues to place its main priority in paying an illegal and illegitimate debt with the IMF, taking us to the brink of the abyss. Not only that, but they are also trying to make the sectors that have the least responsible for the crisis, focusing on employment programs as the cause of all ills”.

They also accused the Minister of EconomySergio Massaof “transfer the adjustment to the working class, punishing it with periodic rate increases for services in terrible conditions; cutting the budget for health, education and housing; and burying all the dollar reserves to benefit farm speculators with the soybean dollar”.

“The minister Victoria Tolosa Paz also plays her own dirty game persecuting us, criminalizing us and opening cases to investigate the poorestwhile those who fled all the debt manage with total impunity,” they added.

Piquetero march: they raise the camp in Plaza de Mayo

During the early hours of the morning, the picketers set up camp in Plaza de Mayo. Then they will concentrate on the Obelisk and They will march towards the Ministry of Social Development.

#Piquetero #march #LIVE #marches #continue #cuts #CABA



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