Cristina vanished the fantasy, left the PJ an orphan and Massa eagerly awaits that baptismal oil

2023-05-18 08:30:00

Mirage 1:

Javier Milei the undertaking once morest Ricardo López Murphy. Outrageous, almost a style on TV, he attacked him as a traitor to a cause that supposedly united them: liberalism. For apparently disagreeing on dollarization, around whether that monetary soup should contain just a pinch of salt or a spoonful. Technical, laboratory discussion, minor for the size of the scandal. Just when one might think that López Murphy might become head of the Buenos Aires government if Milei supported him: it was to see water in the desert of the opposition, an unbeatable variant in the capital’s electorate. Broken mirage.

Instead, there was an absurd fight, there is no lake or spring, despite having studied with the same books: both will compete and destroy each other in front of a part of the public, the previous bulldog —who today at 70 sees himself as a capable soldier 20 years younger— surely he will forget his mayoral aspirations and perhaps join Patricia Bullrich as second in the presidential formula. Perhaps Milei’s furious indignation is sustained more in that enemy possibility than in the seignorage of the North American currency that she enabled the insults.

Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel.

He sideburns economist is a boom in the polls, unstoppable, the third in contention between the two majority factions, Together for Change and the Frente de Todos. It opens a question regarding its growth or decline. Today Milei can go first, second or third, she is paired with her rivals in the same destination. For now, a lottery the epilogue.

But, in addition to the Grand Guignol for offending López Murphy —of a healthy exit from the debate and without solidarity on the part of any of her blockmates— Milei produced other novelties in the last 72 hours: she once once more hung the deputy from her coattails victoria villarruel as a running mate in a boast of almighty personalismincorporated the person who defended the Kirchnerist prisoner Lázaro Báez as legal officer of his party and, incidentally, urgently launched a series of challenging, controversial projects in the form of a program: from lowering pensions to replacing public education and medical care, the free use of weapons, a pruning to the level of public spending, elimination of Comprehensive Sexual Education, various reforms and of course dollarization.

No adversary will be so specific in their platforms, less in that type of politically incorrect propositions for professionals in the activity. They do not see profitability in this business, they assume that Milei’s debatable measures also risk it as the rock star you always liked to be: some of those celebrities who achieved maximum fame and the overflow of success simultaneously with a tumultuous fall from the height. By mistake in the lack of limits. Or excess of vanity, like Jerry Lee Lewis, an overwhelming pianist and singer, a fireball of the last century.

Mass Drama

Mirage 2:

Another counterfactual situation would have been if, José Luis Espert, instead of now promoting for the Casa Rosada, would have presented himself in an agreement with Patricia Bullrich for the governorship of Buenos Aires. More than one observer understands that this variant would have shaken the official Buenos Aires fief with more power than the onslaught of Diego Santilli sponsored by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. The vision turned out to be the other way around: the economist, turned into a presidential candidate, seems more interested in subtracting wills from Bullrich and in betraying connubio with the current mayor of Buenos Aires.

She, meanwhile, is considering appointing her delegate this Friday to face Santilli, in a cotillion of participants, of Ritondo to Iguacel, from Grindetti to De la Torre. A radical is not obligatory and although Ritondo leads polls, his relationship with Patricia has been damaged for years. First, when they were together in Menemism, in a dispute that later moved to the moment in which they took care of security in Macri’s time: when the “piba” confronted Hugo Moyano and Ritondo appealed to cold cloths and, later , in a mutual opposition regarding the intrepid escape of three famous criminals. It will be necessary to see if that harshness settled.

Cristina Kirchner
Cristina Kirchner.

Mirage 3:

Thirsty, dry, in the Christian hosts another fantasy vanished when the female employers, without even thanking them for cheering or raising money to propose their candidate, wrote a letter to renounce any wishes of his devotees. A degrading, sudden epistolary downpour for those who had gathered to honor her in a stadium, contempt for the Peronist congress. They were also orphaned because Cristina did not validate any candidate either while the Minister of Economy guards eagerly that baptismal oilhe renews his passion for staying at the Casa Rosada even though the numbers of the economy collapse him.

Develop the strange strategy of “the worse, the better”. Guevarista the slogan, although Sergio Massa does not expose that criterion before the IMF, today reluctant to grant him advances or facilities to reach the elections. The calculation is that there will be a wait of two or three weeks to know the opinion of the organism, shortly before the presentation of the candidates to the primaries. Against the clock and in the swamp, rehearse magic tricks like a trip to shanghai so that the Brics lend him money and, internally, he prepares the elevation of Guillermo Michel (Customs) to a higher category in his team: direct a special unit that groups other areas of the Ministry, opaque or dismiss certain officials, perhaps the prelude to replace Massa as starter when he departs as recognized presidential candidate. With or without internal.

When he pursues another mirage, Fata Morgana, with the optical illusion that an opportunity comes to him because others have left without there being a revolution. read Macri, Cristina, Alberto, Carrio. A bloodless eviction of 20 years of Argentine politics that silently facilitates the appearance of replacements. The lack always enables rights, the doctor would say that she retires arguing a false and inapplicable judicial persecution, like her husband who returns at dawn with rouge on his shirt and affirms that he has just left work. Happy are those who believe without having seen.

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