Black and blue in Salzburg: Negotiations are in the final

2023-05-17 17:59:00

On Wednesday followingnoon, Governor Wilfried Haslauer and FPÖ Chairwoman Marlene Svazek gave an “interim report” on the ongoing talks. There was no information regarding the content today, but there shouldn’t be any major differences between the People’s Party and the Freedom Party. Next week it will be regarding the allocation of departments, questions from the media were not allowed.

“Conversations in a good atmosphere”

“The talks have so far been in a good atmosphere. We’ve gotten this far in terms of content. But there are still one or two minor points that need to be clarified,” said Haslauer. “We are not announcing any details yet because we want to present a complete package.”

Svazek also emphasized that she was confident that the negotiations would come to a good conclusion. Both want to inform in the course of the next week when the talks will come to an end and the planned coalition will present its program.

Allocation still unclear

Haslauer today dismissed all rumors regarding the future allocation of departments. “Everything that has been read so far is pure speculation. We have not yet discussed the division with a single sentence.” The only thing that is certain is that the ÖVP will provide four of the seven members of the government in Salzburg, and the FPÖ three.


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#Black #blue #Salzburg #Negotiations #final



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