“Success Stories of Women in Medicine: Inspiring Tales of Passion, Persistence, and Achievements”

2023-05-17 15:08:20

Success Stories #MujeresFacMed

My name is Iris Pamela Flores Sarria. The illusion of studying Medicine arose in me from a very early age.because despite the fact that my parents were not doctors and I had no relatives related to this profession, We have always been closely linked to this area, and I even remember that at the age of 5 I expressed that I wanted to be a gynecologist because I was impressed by the ability of the human body to give life to another being.

My plans changed when I rotated through the different Medicine specialties, since I got passionate so much by Pediatrics and discovered that they were missing many human resources to provide care to the group of patients with congenital heart malformations, and that is how I ended up in the specialty of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery of the Graduate Studies Division of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM.

In addition, from my beginnings as student university I did research because they asked us to present a scientific paper at the end of each course, which is why I started my work as a researcher since then, but it was not until I entered the National Institute of Cardiology “Ignacio Chávez” (INC) that my works had greater scientific relevance.

The process of preparing a scientific article is arduous, it requires a lot of commitment, a passion for reading and, above all, the ability to synthesize, but seeing your research published in a high-impact journal is very gratifying. Without a doubt, I have had countless lessons, the results of each job are very enriching because they have helped me improve my own practice.

Many times We believe that Medicine is only good in first world countries, but in Latin America we are making quality Medicine that unfortunately It is unknown because it is not written nor with public, hence the importance of sharing our work and thus, other countries can benefit from them. For this reason, my biggest goal for the future is to return to Nicaragua to promote medical research and get it published, it is a challenge that I hope to achieve.

One of my greatest achievements is having trained at the INC, It is an institute with great prestige; He too having been one of the surgical residents with the highest number of scientific publications in highly recognized journals, That to date fills me with great pride, Well, being a woman I showed that even in a field that is mostly men, we can stand out.

Despite the increase so marked of las women in the medical profession, gender inequalities in professional development and research continue to exist. However, as Dr. Ramón y Cajal said, “every human being, if he sets his mind to it, can be a sculptor of his own brain”That is why opportunities must be sought and taken advantage of.

I invite women who want to participate in scientific production to be curious, acquire a critical and positive attitude in the face of difficulties and failure, have above all passion, enthusiasm, motivation, persistence, discipline and don’t forget to keep a balance both in clinical activity and in research.

#Doctor #Iris #Pamela #Flores #Women #stand #research



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