“The Ultimate Guide to Identifying and Expelling Jinns and Demons from Your Home”

2023-05-16 20:59:00

There is no doubt that the world of jinn and demons is one of the scary secrets, and despite that, it arouses the curiosity of many, so they dig up the secrets of this world, whether with the intention of exploitation or even out of caution and avoidance, so we find them interested in knowing Signs of the presence of the jinn in the house With the different reasons for their caution, fear, or even hanging their mistakes and problems on the peg of the jinn, hence the importance of knowing the signs of the presence of the jinn in the house and how to get rid of them and expel them from the house.

Signs of the presence of the jinn in the house

Sheikh Ahmed Wissam, Secretary of Fatwas at the Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa, said that God Almighty described the state of the jinn in the Holy Qur’an and the Almighty said: Indeed, he and his tribe see you from where you do not see them, noting that the jinn’s relationship with humans is just whispers, so God Almighty said: ( Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the people (1) the King of the people (2) the God of the people (3) from the evil of the whispers of the people (4) who whispers into the breasts of the people (5) from heaven and People (6)).

Wissam explained that the devil and the jinn are all these creatures whispering to man. As for what happens in terms of problems and disease, we must look at the causes of what occurs between us in terms of affliction or disease. Disease often has causes of lack of attention, neglect, exposure to pathogens, and so on. He should not hasten to accuse envy and witchcraft in what happens to him, but he should look into the material causes, on which God arranged the results first.

Jinn signs in the house

There were several signs of the presence of the jinn in the house, through which it can be inferred, and they are as follows:

The disappearance or movement of things from their place despite their permanent presence in a specific place.

Hearing strange noises at home when the person is alone, such as the sound of children playing outside the room or the sound of a family member calling.

– Tampering with lighting and other electrical appliances or utensils close to a person, such as when a woman is in the kitchen and hears the sounds of spoons or kitchen utensils.

Clapping open doors or hearing their sounds as if they were opening or closing.

– Theft of some property on which God’s name was not mentioned.

– Setting fire and burning property sequentially with or without a reason, and the fire is often in closed places, such as cupboards and rooms with infallible doors, and the fire is always in a narrow range, such as burning a curtain, carpet, or clothes in a cupboard … etc., and it does not occur except in the case of practicing a preparation process Prior to elves or tampering with reading one of the spells or talismans.

– Issuing terrifying sounds (crying, screaming, moaning, and laughing)

Suddenly seeing some animals, such as black cats or snakes.

– The appearance of fantasies regarding the person, such as the feeling that someone is passing by or behind him.

– The feeling of constriction, severe distress, and alienation from the home.

Frequent disturbing dreams, nightmares, and panic when sleeping, and when a person passes through a place where the jinn is, he feels a sudden palpitation in his heart or goosebumps in his general body.

How to expel the jinn and demons from the house

It was reported that the Holy Qur’an is rich in words and great and profound meanings, each of which has its impact and virtue. It has been reported that the longest word in the Qur’an is the word (so we gave you drink of it), consisting of eleven letters, contained in Surat Al-Hijr, verse twenty-two, which represents a miracle from the abundance of miracles that are included in the Holy Qur’an. Immunization for both the home and the body from envy and the evils of humans and elves. The following supplications can be repeated:

  • Reading the Qur’an and listening to Surat Al-Baqarah daily aloud, in addition to reading the verse of the Chair, Al-Mu’awzitayn, Al-Fatihah, Al-Zalzalah, Al-Safat, and what is available from Surat Al-Baqarah over a container of water and sprinkled in the corners of rooms and doubtful places, while seeking refuge in the perfect words of God as the Prophet (PBUH) taught us “He who descends” Then he said, “I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from the evil of what He has created.” Nothing would harm him until he left that house. Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh.
  • And the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said to Abu Bakr when he asked him regarding a supplication to supplicate in the morning and evening: (Say: O God, Knower of the unseen and the seen, Originator of the heavens and the earth, Lord of everything and its Sovereign, I bear witness that there is no god but You, I seek refuge in You from the evil of my soul And the evil of Satan and his shirk, say it in the morning, in the evening, and when you go to bed.
  • In order for the children to be immunized, the hand is placed on their heads and said: (In the name of God, I perform ruqyah on you, from everything that harms you, from the evil of every soul or eye, or an envious person, may God heal you. In the name of God, I perform ruqyah on you).

Types of gin

It was reported that God Almighty created the jinn in order to worship Him and to carry out what He commands them to do, may He be glorified and exalted, and to stay away from what He forbade. And like them, like humans, some of them are believers who worship God and those who are unbelievers disobey Him. They are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in many surahs of the Qur’an, where the Almighty said: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me.” Surah Al-Dhariyat: Verse 56 We converted to Islam, for those sought righteousness, and as for those who pass, they are firewood for Hell. “,” Surat Al-Jinn: Verses 14, 15.

And Islamic scholars mentioned information regarding the jinn, saying that they are charged with prohibitions and orders, and whoever is disobedient among them may harm a person in many ways and ways, and because in the Holy Qur’an there is a medicine and a cure for every disease, even harming the jinn, there are many verses, surahs and dhikr that help in prevention From the harm of the jinn and immunity from it, and the jinn are creatures of fire, and the evidence for that is what was stated in the words of God, Glory be to Him, “And the jinn We created before from the fire of poisons,” “Al-Hijr: verse 27”, but they differ among themselves in the origin of creation, as they exist in three types, as stated in The honorable Sunnah of the Prophet in the hadeeth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, “The jinn are of three types: a class with wings that fly in the air, a class of snakes and dogs, and a class that sojourns and hides.”

And according to the hadith, the jinn are of three types, which are “jinn who resemble snakes, dogs and other types of animals, jinn who have wings and are able to fly in the air, jinn who travel and reside.”

The presence of the jinn in the house

Dr. Ali Gomaa, the former Mufti of the Republic and a member of the Council of Senior Scholars at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, warned that the Holy Qur’an mentioned the issue of the jinn, as well as the purified Sunnah of the Prophet, and there is a consensus among Muslims on the existence of the jinn and that there is a visible world and an unseen world, and that the jinn, angels, heaven, fire, and the path are true. And this is one of the established beliefs of Muslims, and belief in it is obligatory, as this is a scholar that exists and has a being, and that Satan is at the head of these jinn.

And he cited what the Almighty said: Except Iblees was from the jinn, so he disobeyed the command of his Lord (Al-Kahf: 50), and the Almighty said Indeed, he and his tribe see you from where you do not see They (Al-A’raf: 27), and God Almighty described the jinn for us in the Holy Book An accurate, clear, detailed description, and he said: Indeed, the plot of Satan was weak (Al-Nisa: 76) and he said: Indeed, over My servants, you have no authority over them except those who follow you from the deviants. (Al-Hijr: 42) He described it as [وسواس] and that [خناس] .. That is, there is a clear description of the world of the jinn and how they communicate with humans.

He pointed out that there is a difference between scientific thinking and superstition, as scientific thinking is what came to us from the Book and the Sunnah. The remembrance of God disappears and goes, and it was mentioned in the Sunnah that it flows from the son of Adam as blood flows, and that we can, in the simplest way, control him, because his plot is very weak, so he has no authority over us. God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace.

And he continued: But people now with this acknowledgment of existence and this acknowledgment that some of this harm may occur from the side of the jinn, God willing, and that this harm cannot continue, and that this harm is very weak. Chronic disease to the jinn….. and this is a disaster.

And he stressed that we must differentiate between the jinn and its conditions and divisions, and that it is from fire, and that, as the Holy Qur’an says on their tongue, “we were in the ways of scepters” (Al-Jinn: 11)} and that among them are the believers and the righteous, and among them are the sinners and the unbelievers, and between what people claim that everyone has a headache or fantasies Or he has schizophrenia in the retina or in the centers of the brain, so he claims that he has a jinn, so this is one case and this is another case.

And he explained that the jinn, as stated in the Book and the Sunnah, are extremely weak and extremely separated from humans. They have no cause other than whispers, and they have no cause other than throwing such thoughts that, if they occur in the mind and heart of a person, confuse his opinions or thought, so he must seek refuge from them in the remembrance of God. So he is suffocated and removed, and he cannot have any authority over his freedom, his will, or his body, and so on…etc.

And he went on: So people should understand that there is a big difference between belief in the world of the jinn and belief in its characteristics as mentioned in the Book and the Sunnah, and between placing everything without knowledge on the jinn. We are now at a very fine line between science and superstition. This jinn is a myth, and this is detested by some people by denying religion – God Almighty forbid – so they deny what is mentioned in religion because people go to extremes in application and say what is this?! And why do the jinn only rule over Muslims?! We only hear this from contemporary Muslims.

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