321,121 people without a job – situation stable

2023-05-16 09:51:56

321,121 people are currently registered with the Public Employment Service (AMS) as unemployed or in training. 248,335 of them are looking for a job, 72,786 are in training courses of the AMS. “Unemployment remains at a similar level as at the end of April. Compared to mid-May 2022, there is a slight increase of 4,880 people,” Labor Minister Martin Kocher (ÖVP) calculated today.

The increase is largely due to the fact that Ukrainians are now gradually being recorded in the unemployment statistics, since they have had completely free access to the Austrian labor market since April 21 of this year. In addition, the economic slowdown has “slightly negative effects on the labor market”.

There are many further training opportunities for the unemployed, “but we should actually start earlier,” said Kocher on Tuesday at the 4Gamechanger conference of ORF and Puls 4 in Vienna. That is one of the “main factors of success for the future”. There is a need for “even better options for public support for further training that is not company-specific,” said the minister. “We have to ensure that further and further training in the professional environment starts as early as possible and doesn’t stop either.”

There were significantly more applications and approvals for the red-white-red card, which was reformed in October 2022. In April 2023, 576 applications for a Red-White-Red Card for people outside the EU were approved. Compared to April last year, this is an increase of 158 cards. “This pleasing development shows that the reform is working. Already now, in the months of January up to and including April 2023, more red-white-red cards were issued than in the years 2013-2016 overall,” said Kocher.

He also presented today the OECD’s GDP indicator, which compares current economic activity to activity in the same week last year. “According to the OECD, GDP in the week from April 23 to 29, 2023 was 1.3 percent higher than in the corresponding week of the previous year 2022. It is also positive that the European Commission is cautiously optimistic with its economic forecast for Austria published yesterday remains,” said the Minister of Labor in a broadcast on Tuesday.

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