“Healthy Hair Growth: Tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine to Prevent Hair Loss and Gray Hair”

2023-05-14 23:00:58

Three thousand threads of trouble! Although hair loss is a normal physiological phenomenon, it is still worrying to see handfuls of hair falling out on the ground when combing your hair! In particular, pay attention to improper weight loss and dieting, ignoring the intake of starch and protein, which may lead to hair loss due to unbalanced nutrition. Chinese medicine doctor Wu Mingzhu said that to prevent severe hair loss or even gray hair, it is recommended to eat hair nourishing eggs, black bean tea, and according to the different hair loss parts, there are suitable and necessary hair nourishing acupuncture points.

A normal scalp has at least 100,000 hair follicles, and a daily hair loss of regarding 50-100 hair follicles is within a reasonable range. If the hair loss is too severe, it must be prevented. The causes of hair loss include seasonal changes, environmental influences, endocrine, bad living habits, staying up late, frequent hair dyeing, drug effects, and improper weight loss and dieting.

Hair loss is divided into physiological and pathological

Physiological Hair Loss Causes

Physiological hair loss – healthy hair follicles are subjected to external factors, leading to phased stop growth, such as postpartum hair loss, vitamin deficiency, excessive stress, family inheritance (male baldness), weight loss.

pathological hair loss causes

Pathological hair loss – damaged hair follicles that cannot grow hair, such as follicles with inflammation, pustules, scars, or chronic diseases, such as chemotherapy, autoimmune system abnormalities.

The theoretical principles of traditional Chinese medicine for hair care: nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing qi and nourishing blood, dredging liver and gallbladder, harmonizing spleen and stomach, nourishing qi and nourishing lung.

The theoretical principles of traditional Chinese medicine for hair care: nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing qi and nourishing blood, dredging liver and gallbladder, harmonizing spleen and stomach, nourishing qi and nourishing lung.

TCM: hair is closely related to kidney, liver, spleen and stomach

Hair is one of the fastest growing tissues in the body, and if it is not nourished, it will show quickly. Similarly, Physician Wu Mingzhu said that TCM theory believes that hair is “the rest of the blood” and “the flower of the kidney”, and hair is closely related to the kidneys, liver, and spleen and stomach. The liver stores blood, and if the liver blood is sufficient, the hair is nourished so that it is not easy to lose hair; the spleen governs the transportation and transformation, and infuses the essence of Bu Shui Gu into the hair; sufficient kidney qi is the foundation of healthy hair.

Long-term partial eclipse or excessive weight loss will cause nutritional imbalance; because the spleen is the source of qi and blood metaplasia, and it is also the foundation of the day following tomorrow. If improper weight loss leads to weak temper and less qi and blood, it will not care regarding the extremities or skin hair. As a result, the hair will be fragile and easy to fall, and there will be a large amount of hair loss when washing the hair.

Hair loss, gray hair, how to rescue Chinese medicine?

The theoretical principles of traditional Chinese medicine for hair care: nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing qi and nourishing blood, dredging liver and gallbladder, harmonizing spleen and stomach, nourishing qi and nourishing lung. Only when the kidney essence is sufficient, the qi and blood are abundant, and the meridian qi movement is smooth, can healthy hair be grown.

Some patients with hair loss are due to overeating fat and sweets, excessive drinking and meat, or eating tonics, and their constitutions become damp and turbid, which is the so-called liver and gallbladder fire and damp-heat constitution. This kind of constitution cannot be supplemented indiscriminately; If patients take tonic for a long time, they will not only fail to grow their hair, but will also increase the amount of oil and hair loss.

Therefore, older people have more gray hair, which is the natural depletion of kidney essence and needs the five internal organs to be recuperated. For young people, premature graying or hair loss is due to the high proportion of blood energy and damp heat, so it is necessary to distinguish the constitution and regulate it to avoid gray hair and excessive hair loss, which is out of control.

TCM hair nourishing tea, acupoints, medicated diet

Physician Wu Mingzhu recommends hair-raising tea, acupoints, and herbal diet as follows, and provides step-by-step procedures for people who are troubled by hair loss and gray hair, which will help change the “hair” and strengthen it.

Hair Eggs

ingredients:Polygonum multiflorum 1 tael, Polygonatum 5 qian, longan 3 qian, tangerine peel 1 qian, 2 eggs, appropriate amount of water.

practice:Add water to the medicinal materials and cook together. After the eggs are cooked, remove the shells, take the eggs and boil them in marinade for 30 minutes. Eat the eggs and drink the soup.

effect:It is suitable for premature graying of beard and hair, excessive hair loss and premature aging caused by blood deficiency and frailty.

Hair-nourishing black bean tea can nourish hair and help hair growth. For people with hyperactivity of fire, insomnia, dreaminess, weak waist and knees, and weak muscles and bones, it can increase kidney yin, clear blood heat and qi stagnation to nourish kidney yin and help hair growth.

Hair-nourishing black bean tea can nourish hair and help hair growth. For people with hyperactivity of fire, insomnia, dreaminess, weak waist and knees, and weak muscles and bones, it can increase kidney yin, clear blood heat and qi stagnation to nourish kidney yin and help hair growth.

Hair nourishing black bean tea

ingredients:Black beans 1 liang, Poria 5 qian, medlar 3 qian, Eclipta 3 qian, Ligustrum lucidum 3 qian, licorice 1.5 qian, 5 bowls of water.

practice:After boiling in water for regarding half an hour, eat with soup dregs. 1 time a day, even for 60 days.

effect:This product can nourish hair and help hair growth. For people with hyperactivity of fire, insomnia, dreaminess, soreness of waist and knees, and weak muscles and bones, it can increase kidney yin, clear blood heat and qi stagnation to nourish kidney yin and help hair growth.

hair raising points

Premature graying and hair loss in different parts of the head indicate different problems in the body:

1. The top of the head – related to Jueyin Liver Meridian and Du Meridian

Select acupoints: Baihui, Sishencong, Sanyinjiao, Taichong.

Baihui:Sit upright, located at the intersection of the midline of the head and the line connecting the tips of the two ears;

Sishen Satoshi:On the top of the head, 1 inch in front, back, left, and right sides of Dangbaihui, a total of four points;

Sanyinjiao:On the inner side of the calf, 3 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, behind the medial border of the tibia (select the point 4 transverse fingers directly above the tip of the medial malleolus). Taichong: On the dorsal side of the foot, in the depression behind the first metatarsal space.

Point operation:Perform finger-kneading or finger-pressing method, use the pulp of the thumb to massage or press the above-mentioned acupoints, press each acupoint 20 times, depending on the degree of conscious soreness, 2-3 times a day.

2. Forehead – related to Yangming Meridian and spleen and stomach

Select acupoints: Zusanli, Hegu, Shenting, Touwei.

D:On the anterolateral side of the calf, when the outer knee is 3 inches below the eyes, a transverse finger (middle finger) away from the front edge of the tibia.

Court of God:On the head, 0.5 cun straight above the center of the current hairline.

Head dimension:On the side of the head, when the forehead is 0.5 cun above the hairline, 4.5 cun lateral to the midline of the head.

Hegu:On the back of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, at the midpoint of the radial side of the 2nd metacarpal bone (put the thumb and index finger together, and select the acupoint at the highest point of the muscle).

Acupoint operation: perform finger kneading or acupressure, rub or press the above acupoints with the pulp of the thumb, press each acupoint 20 times, depending on the degree of conscious soreness, 2-3 times a day.

3. Two temples – related to Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian

Select acupoints: Rate Valley, Yanglingquan, Zhongzhu.

Yanglingquan:It is located on the outside of the calf, obliquely below the eye of the outer knee, in the depression slightly anterior to the head of the fibula.

Zhongzhu:On the back of the hand, behind the metacarpophalangeal joints, in the depression between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones.

Rate Valley:Located on the head of the human body, when the tip of the ear goes straight up to 1.5 inches into the hairline, directly above the horns.

Acupoint operation: perform finger kneading or finger pressure method, rub or press the above acupoints with the pulp of the thumb, press and knead each acupoint 20 times, depending on the degree of conscious soreness, 2-3 times a day.

4. Occipital – related to bladder meridian, closely connected with kidney

Select acupoints: Shenshu, Taixi, Fengchi.

Taixi:Sitting or lying on the back, in the middle of the posterior border of the medial malleolus and the front border of the Achilles tendon, flush with the tip of the medial malleolus.

Shenshu:At the waist, under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, 1.5 inches apart from the left and right sides (regarding two horizontal fingers).

Wind Pool:On the nape, below the occipital bone, in the depression between the sternocleidomastoid and the upper end of the trapezius.

Acupoint operation: Finger-kneading method, use the pulp of the thumb to press and knead the above-mentioned acupoints, press and knead each acupoint 20 times, depending on the degree of conscious soreness, 2-3 times a day.

Physician Wu Mingzhu finally reminded that there are many causes of hair loss and gray hair. The above introduction is not applicable to all hair loss and white hair people. To be specific, it is necessary to seek professional TCM syndrome differentiation, search for the source and prescribe the prescription, in order to prescribe the right medicine.

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