“Sun Exposure: Benefits, Risks, and Proper Protection”

2023-05-15 08:44:55

The sun plays a major role in a person’s life, as its rays help regulate the body’s rhythm by providing it with some of the elements and vitamins it needs, but the sun’s rays can be a double-edged sword, as exposure to it improperly and at the wrong times may cause severe damage to health.

With the advent of the summer and the intensification of the weather, the risks of sun exposure become higher, with many people spending their time practicing their water sports, while others prefer to take advantage of the sun’s rays to obtain dark brown skin, as all this happens without following the instructions. necessary medical treatment, and this is what turns the sun from a friend to man into a deadly enemy.

The benefits of sunlight

The head of the Association of Dermatologists in Lebanon, Micheline Maamari Chalouhi, said, in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, that studies have shown that exposure to sunlight in a regular and moderate manner has many benefits for humans, as it helps in treating some skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and it is also It combats depression by enhancing the brain’s production of serotonin, in addition to being an amazing source of vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin, which helps prevent osteoporosis and provides the human body with energy.

3 types of sunlight

According to Maamari Chalouhi, studies have also shown that sunlight helps to strengthen the immune system and avoid infection with some types of cancer, noting that sunlight can turn into a killer, as there are three types of solar radiation that cause harm to humans, which are ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet A (UVA), ultraviolet B (UVB), and ultraviolet C (UVC).

Mimari Chalouhi explains that UVA rays cause skin aging and skin pigmentation, while UVB rays cause burns and skin cancer, while UVC rays are deadly rays, but they do not reach the earth, as the ozone layer blocks them, pointing out that there are people who are exposed. People who have white skin and blue eyes, or those who suffer from leprosy and freckles, are more likely than others to suffer from sunburn because of their skin type, as they are at risk of developing melanoma or melanoma, which is the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

The best time to be in the sun

And the dermatologist stressed that the best time for sun exposure is from eight in the morning until eleven in the followingnoon, and from three in the followingnoon until sunset, warning once morest exposure to the sun between 11 in the followingnoon and three in the followingnoon, when the UVB rays are vertical and cause with great burns.

Do not panic.. The sun will rise from its bright side!

Sun damage on a cloudy day

Maamari Chalouhi pointed out that, contrary to popular belief, the damage caused by the sun’s rays is not limited to sunny days only, as these damages can occur even on cloudy days, as the sun’s ultraviolet rays, both UVA and UVB, can penetrate the clouds, while In it, a person thinks that he is protected, calling for the use of sun protection products, even on a cloudy day.

Apply the lotion every two hours

In her interview with Sky News Arabia, the dermatologist stressed the necessity of adhering to the recommendations for exposure to sunlight, in order to benefit from its benefits and avoid its harms, calling for the use of sun protection products that come within a classification of the amount mentioned on the back of the product with the phrase SPF30, with the renewal of the lotion’s lubricant. 2 hours following first use.

When do we see a doctor?

She concluded that a first-degree sunburn, represented by redness of the skin and then peeling of the skin, does not require a visit to the doctor, while a second-degree sunburn, which is represented by the appearance of water bubbles on the skin with strong pain, heat, and swelling in the hands and feet, requires a visit to the doctor. .

#Friend #foe. #time #stay #sun



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