What is tax relief for SMEs?

2023-05-15 00:14:43

Government announced a new tax relief plan for micro, small and medium-sized companies as part of the economic measures package boosted following knowing the inflation rate for April, which reached 8.4%.

The benefit for SMEs is intended to cancel tax obligations and social security resources due until April 30, through payment facilities. The stock of debt to regularize is estimated to reach $456,063 million. The measure favors 656,121 taxpayers, of which 48.1% are Micro and Small Companies, 11.5% are Medium Tranche I and 31.2% are Small Taxpayers and Monotributors.

From Economy they estimate that at the level of debt, 54.6% are Micro and Small Companies, Medium Tranche I and Monotributistas. While with respect to the tax owed, it is estimated that 18% corresponds to Income Tax, 34% to VAT, 3% to Personal Assets, 37% to Contributions and Contributions and 8% to Other Taxes and Customs.

Tax relief for SMEs: the obligations achieved

– Tax obligations and social security resources -including interest and fines- due as of 04/30/2023.

– Imposed fines, supplementary charges for import or export taxes and liquidations of the aforementioned taxes included in the procedure for infractions, as well as their interests, all in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Code – Law No. 22,415 and its modifications – formulated until 04/30/2023.

– Includes the debt under administrative-judicial discussion as well as that included in expired plans until the validity of this general resolution

– Refinancing of current plans is not allowed.

– Does not include the maturities of earnings and personal assets -of individuals and companies- of December 2022.

At the same time, the portfolio led by Sergio Massa established that the tax relief reaches current payment plans of MiPyMEs with the Badlar rate, at the request of the entities themselves.

The president of CAME, Alfredo González, had warned that “as a result of the macroeconomic fluctuations that affect our country and that fully impact the microeconomy, SMEs today They do not have the capacity to face such an increase in the installments of their financing plans and they will not be able to pay”.

From the Ministry of Economy they recall that “in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic, Law 27,653 was approved, which extended the moratorium established in the Law of Social Solidarity and Productive Reactivation (27,541)” and they specify that “as of April the Badlar rate for private banks is applied, which is in the order of 70% per year”, explaining that “it is for this reason that the payment plans from that month have substantial increases, mainly affecting MiPyMEs”.

As a result, they point out that “The AFIP will establish a wait for a proportion of the interest of the installments of the payment plans maturing from June to December 2023”.

The Government ensures that this measure generates an average tax relief of 50% of the monthly installments of payment plans paid by MSMEs within the framework of the moratorium of Law 27,563.

With information from Argentine News

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