“The Tragic End of Bullfighter Rafael Ortega Blancas: A Story of Physical and Mental Discipline”

2023-05-14 10:00:00


n the mitoteros beginnings of the jogging or moderate career, I read a curious message on the wall of a big city: Don’t exercise a lot. you can live too long. And a few meters away another optimistic look: If you finish a marathon, you avoid a heart attack in the next seven years. They were one of those highly structured ideas, as Cueli would say, determined to assume that life must be logical, that other reasoning construct to prevent us from going mad too soon.

Exercising with his children who were getting ready for a competition, retired matador Rafael Ortega Blancas (Apizaco, Tlaxcala, March 10, 1970-Saint George, Utah, United States, May 8, 2023) suffered a fatal cardiorespiratory arrest. while swimming in the hotel pool. His whole life was a commitment to physical and mental discipline, which led him to be a figure in the arena in his country despite bullfighting, those practices and vices of bad bullfighting, who put his benefit before repositioning of the party.

Complete dominator of the three tercios, long bullfighter where there are and exceptional swordsman, Rafael Ortega was well empowered in Mexico, reaching almost a thousand bullfighting festivities in 22 years of alternative, but his solid bullfighting and his serene courage did not reach an international projection. , perhaps because he was not obsessed with obtaining it, while foreign companies also showed no interest in hiring him, in that age-old inequality that characterizes the international bullfighting. A sample was the petty confirmation of Rafael in Las Ventas in 2001.

Notwithstanding the bullfighting capacity shown from its beginnings −an armilloism very rarely assimilated−, this Ortega was not used sensitively and intelligently by the bullfighting duopoly of that time, and the operators of Alemán and Bailleres only thought of fighting over the imported aces and set up a pale rivalry with Eulalio López Zotolucowhich ended up benefiting the latter more but insufficient to capture a massive interest in the festival, since the entertainment offer continued to be scarce and whimsical.

“To great honor I have Tlaxcalan Indian blood. The majority of the Mexican people carry indigenous blood in their veins. By calling me a ‘cracked Indian’, Herrerías not only misrepresents the truth but also insults the people of Mexico and the bullfighting fans. I thought that this bullfighting thing consisted of getting close, cutting ears and surpassing your companions, not facing conflicting people determined to get in your way ”, he declared to The Conference Rafael Ortega in October 2005, at that time the most consistent winner in Plaza México. Today we suffer the consequences of those and other business rudeness.

In his self-indulgence in bullfighting, in the inaugural bullfight of the San Isidro Fair in the Plaza de Las Ventas, not even the diplomat César Rincón, who alternated so many times with Rafael; neither the sententious Domingo Delgado de la Cámara, nor the positive David Casas, nor Víctor Soria in the alley, remembered to mention the unexpected death of the Tlaxcalan teacher through the microphones of mundotorotelevisión. More oversights, now post mortem.

By the way, the Union of Journalists of the State of Tlaxcala invites on Friday the 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Espejos Room of the Hotel San Francisco in that capital, to the exhibition The Tenopalas, parladés of Tlaxcala, from the photographer Sergio Bautista, to the recognition of the communicators Francisco Hernandez Reyes, Abraham Acosta Barba and Juan Angel Sainos Lopez, and the insidious talk Ethics and bullfighting journalism, another utopia? in charge of such Páez. Do not miss.

#Jornada #party #peace



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