2023-05-14 15:05:20
Built-in AI assistant. According to the creators, this small device relies on a voice assistant with artificial intelligence (AI) and an integrated mini-projector. Like the telephone, it has microphones and a camera or even a loudspeaker but does not have a screen.
Intriguing, surprising. Instead of the screen, the gadget incorporates a small Laser projector that displays information where you point it, a wall, a door for example. In the case of the illustration photo above: the palm of the hand replaces the screen of the telephone. Magic !
Replace a smartphone. Some of the obvious features include call support but also like ChatGPT, the answer-all feature and can help find the right shop for a giveaway or summarize important events you’ve missed. Humane’s progress will be followed in the coming months!
#Humane #AIpowered #smartphone