Bladder cancer, so misunderstood – In the spotlight

2023-05-12 13:16:18

May 12, 2023

Much less publicized than Pink October or Blue March, May is the month dedicated to bladder cancer. An often misunderstood pathology, sometimes taboo, even though it represents the 10th most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world. Lori Cirefice, President of the Cancer Bladder France association, tells us regarding the disease, the symptoms to watch out for, the experiences of patients and their need for support.

« Very little known, bladder cancer nevertheless affects more than 13,000 people a year in France begins Lori Cirefice. Which explains the lack of highlighting of the disease – which affects an intimate part of the anatomy – by a form of ” taboo. No one likes to talk regarding their natural needs. Unlike breast cancer, for example, which is highly publicized, celebrities are less inclined to mention their bladder cancer. »

So what is bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer is a disease of the cells that line the inside of the bladder called the bladder lining. Some cells become abnormal, they multiply in a disorderly way, very quickly, and gradually form a malignant tumor. ” About three quarters of patients are men », notes Lori Cirefice.

Smoking, a major risk factor

« Are you a smoker? This is probably the first question a urologist will ask his or her patient. For what ? Because smoking is the cause of more than 50% of bladder cancers in men and around 40% in women. And this is not surprising: the toxic compounds of tobacco, once inhaled, are found in the blood, are filtered by the kidneys from where they are discharged in the urine…

Blood in the urine, the first symptom

Tumors that grow in the bladder often cause hematuria, which is the presence of blood in the urine. It is one of the first evocative signs. He should prompt consultation with the attending physician. Issue, ” seeing blood in the toilet often less alerts women », notes Lori Cirefice. « Which partly explains why they are often diagnosed at an advanced stage. “. Note that a regular and pressing need to urinate can also announce the disease.

A real impact on everyday life

Bladder cancer can be very difficult to live with. Getting up several times a night to urinate, burning or pain when urinating…” The disease has a major impact on sleep “, continues the President of the association Cancer Bladder France. ” But it can also affect professional life, sexual life… Finally, certain examinations, such as cystoscopy (an endoscopic exploration of the bladder) are invasive and anxiety-provoking.. »

Appropriate treatments…

Pour Lori Cirefice, « it is advisable to be attentive to the first symptoms. Because the earlier the disease is detected, the earlier the treatment will be and the better the chances of recovery.. »

The treatments precisely: they depend on the stage and the aggressiveness (of the disease) “Recalls the National Cancer Institute (InCA). ” The first stage of treatment consists in removing the tumor by performing a transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB), in other words, removing the tumor through the urethra. If following the resection, the diagnosis of infiltrating tumor is made, it will be necessary to remove the bladder during a new operation. Cancer drugs, such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy, may also be used to treat bladder cancers. »

As Lori Cirefice points out, “ bladder cancer is very recurrent “. Drug treatments can be put in place as an adjuvant, following surgery, in order to reduce the risk of recurrence and progression for the tumors most at risk.

Accompany patients

Once once more, the disease resonates in the lives of patients and their loved ones. This is why the association Cancer Bladder France has given itself different missions :

  1. Break the isolation. ” A discussion group on Facebook ( allows patients and caregivers to express themselves freely”, explains the President of the association. « This confidential space makes it easier to express yourself. We help patients and caregivers better understand their care journeys» ;
  2. Raising awareness of the disease in particular thanks to various actions carried out on social networks during Bladder Cancer Awareness Month;
  3. Share and support research progress. ” There have been many changes in recent years, especially with immunotherapy in the management of advanced cancers“, she comments.

To find out more regarding these operations, go to the website of the Cancer Bladder France association. the bladder.

  • Source : – Understanding bladder cancer – – French Urology Association – – Hospices Civils de Lyon – bladder cancer –

  • Written by : Vincent Roche – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet

#Bladder #cancer #misunderstood #spotlight



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