“Supporting Korean Immigrants in the US: Fundraising Against Domestic Abuse”

2023-05-13 23:33:00

Koreans who settled in the U.S. through marriage formed a support group
Fundraising campaign for Koreans experiencing domestic violence and abuse
Operation of self-reliant facilities by gathering admission fees for dinners and regular membership fees


In the United States, there are not a few Koreans who immigrated through international marriage, but suffer domestic violence and abuse amid language and cultural differences and prejudice.

A fundraising event to help these women has been going on for nearly 30 years, centered on Korean organizations.

This is reporter Yang Soo-yeon.


The banquet hall was filled with people dressed in suits.

It is a fundraiser held to help women who have been marginalized due to domestic violence and abuse.

[킴 월시 / 미국 보스턴 : 여러분의 후원금은 불우한 한인 여성들에게 쓰이고 있습니다. 이 일을 같이할 수 있게 돼서 진심으로 감사합니다.]

With marriage as an opportunity, Koreans who settled in the United States first set up a support group and have been conducting fundraising events for nearly 30 years.

As the unfortunate story of a Korean who came to the United States through an international marriage but was unable to continue her married life and died in a car accident in the winter of 1991 while living on the street became known,

A fundraising campaign for Koreans suffering from domestic violence and abuse has begun in earnest.

The purpose is to share the pain we had to go through due to language and cultural differences, racial discrimination and prejudice, and to help people achieve practical self-reliance.

[지니 보너트 / 미국 보스턴 : 그때만 해도 동양 사람들을 무시하는 미국 사람들이 많이 있었어요. 지금은 많이 좋아졌지만.]

[유영심 / 미국 보스턴 : 아이들이 미국 반반이니까, 데리고 가서 우리 애들을 보고 나서는 깜짝 놀라면서 시선이 벌써 달라져요.]

Valuable donations were made through this event, including the entrance fee to the dinner, donations from Korean associations, and donations from Korean companies.

Members across the United States collect dues monthly even when there are no events.

It is to operate a nest where marginalized Koreans live.

[인숙 발레리오 / 미국 보스턴 : 열두 명의 불우한 노숙 여성들이 보금자리로 살 수 있는 곳이 마련돼 있어요. 농사도 지을 수 있고 한식으로 먹고 쉬고 여생을 잘 살 수 있도록….]

As the steady support activities became known to the local community, a federal congressman also came to the site to contribute.

[바나 하워드 / 매사추세츠주 연방 하원 의원 : 학대하는 남편을 떠날 때, 저랑 제 딸도 노숙인이었어요. 여기 계신 분들은 여성과 소녀들이 안전하게 살 곳을 찾아주고 있습니다.]

The second generation of a Korean-American multicultural family, who was in charge of interpreting and hosting, also had a special feeling.

[린다 챔피언 / 미국 보스턴 : 미국인 아버지와 한국인 어머니를 둔 저와 같은 다문화가정 자녀들이 함께 모이는 자리였습니다.]

According to the New York Family Counseling Center, more than 70% of Koreans in the United States have experienced domestic violence at least once, and more than 95% of the victims are women.

In addition, the scale of damage is estimated to be greater if the number of reports of domestic violence increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and unknown cases were included.

The organizers announced that they would extend a helping hand to all corners of Korean society, not only Korean women who are struggling at home, but also the young and old.

This is YTN World Yang Soo-yeon from Boston, USA.

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