2023-05-13 20:00:30
One thing has been lost in the discussion regarding the health system in Austria: the perspective of the sick person.
Innsbruck (OTS) – What to do with the patient goods? In health management, this term is common for sick people: patients are objects that create problems. This is conveyed by social security, hospital authorities and the medical association when they talk regarding weaknesses in the healthcare system. So this week it was once more demanded that patient flows have to be diverted because the hospital outpatient clinics were being stormed.
But there are good reasons for this, and these are not the fault of the patient. Where should he go if he doesn’t get an appointment with the panel doctor in a timely manner because there aren’t enough of them and they aren’t there for you either at night or at the weekend? The causes lie in the system, which the above-named maintain out of self-interest or even want to change for their own benefit. Accordingly, some suggestions seem bizarre, such as the most recent presentation of a QR code or permission from the general practitioner to visit a specialist or an outpatient clinic – this does not help the patient.
It is the task of politicians to take action: Firstly, the financing systems must be brought together. At present, ordination services are covered by social insurance and hospital expenses are mainly covered by taxes and only an insurance flat rate. Secondly, it is not the patients but the doctors who have to be guided – away from the temptation to be a doctor of choice. Thirdly, preventive care must be strengthened, this is the only way to reduce the number of sick people. And then the nursing profession must be upgraded and everyday nursing life made easier with all the means available to politicians. Because the patient is not the problem, he has the problem.
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