Japan’s Spring Allergy Crisis: The Unforeseen Consequences of WWII and Climate Change

2023-05-13 05:49:05

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Every year, millions of Japanese celebrate the blossoming of delicate cherry trees, heralding the arrival of spring. But this change in seasons is accompanied by painful weeks of continuous sneezing, nasal congestion and watery eyes in a large percentage of the Japanese. Few people in the Asian country are aware that this public health problem has anything to do with World War II (1939-1945) or is an expected consequence of climate change.

affect spring sensitivity ( Hey Fever) commonly referred to as pollen allergy or hay fever affects different proportions of populations around the world. In the United Kingdom, at least one in four people suffer from it, according to UK National Health Service data, while the rate is less than 10 percent in the United States.

But this percentage in Japan is unprecedented, as a survey conducted by a group of Japanese multidisciplinary doctors in 2019 showed that regarding 40 percent of the country’s population of 123 million people suffer from some form of this health symptom known locally as “Kafuncho” (dust disease). pollen).

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In the spring, cedar trees release large amounts of pollen to form a cloud

The Japan Forest Agency has predicted that spring allergy disease will cause economic losses of at least $2.2 billion a year, which also includes health care bills and reduced worker productivity. And at the beginning of April / April Prime Minister Fumio Kishida declared this health condition a “social problem” and instructed his ministers to find a solution.

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