This remedy will drive the whitefly out of the plot: the crop of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers will be saved | 05/13/2023

2023-05-13 01:57:52

Vegetable growers told how to protect tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers from whiteflies

May 13 – NVL. A harmful insect sucks juices from the leaves of vegetables, carries fungi, bacteria, which is why the yield is rapidly falling.

The whitefly is an insect that looks like a tiny white butterfly. She settles on the inside of the leaf to have offspring there. In a couple of days, the whitefly is able to lay 200 eggs, so it needs to be quickly driven out of the garden.

You can determine the presence of whiteflies in the area by the leaves. They begin to turn yellow, curl, become stained. And if you turn the sheet over, then on the inside you can see white eggs.

Photo source: Photo by the author

The whitefly breeds rapidly in warm, humid weather. She can settle on cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and other plants with succulent leaves. There are many preparations for the destruction of a harmful insect and its eggs, but if you do not want to “poison” vegetables with “chymosa”, then you can use folk remedies to combat the whitefly. There are several of them.

This means to glue the eggs and wings of the whitefly. For processing vegetables to protect once morest pests, a soap solution is suitable, which is prepared from laundry soap. One bar of soap is dissolved in 10 liters of water (you can grind it on a grater), and then the plants are processed using a spray gun. Wash the inside of the leaf especially well.

The second remedy has an unpleasant odor that repels the whitefly. In 5 liters of water, chopped head of garlic is infused for 24 hours. Then the solution is filtered through gauze. The resulting solution processes plants and soil in the hole. The procedure can be repeated following rain.

Photo source: Editorial photo

The third remedy contains the milky sap of the plant, which poisons the whitefly. The pest is well removed with the help of dandelion. The taraxacin, taraxacerin and rubber substances that make up the plant adversely affect adults and their eggs. In 1 liter of warm water, 100 grams of crushed dandelion leaves are infused for three days. Then the infusion is filtered and the leaves affected by pests are processed.

Treatment with folk remedies has a slow effect compared to store-bought preparations, so the procedure must be repeated every 7 days until the pest has completely disappeared.

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