“The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss: The Benefits of Cucumbers and Pineapple Juice”

2023-05-12 22:06:44

The formula to lose or maintain the appropriate weight, according to specialists, must be supported by the intake of a balanced diet and the regular practice of physical exercise. Additionally, there are foods that can be complements for this purpose.

For his part, the cucumber It is a very desirable vegetable to include in different preparations. It stands out for being low in calories, and rich in water, minerals and antioxidants, which make it a healthy food for the body.

One of the great benefits offered by the consumption of this vegetable is that it helps to lose weight, thanks to the fact that it has few calories and is rich in water and fiber, which increase satiety between meals, reducing the desire to eat, so It is a recommended food to use in diets aimed at losing weight, ensures Thy Health.

Its richness in potassium is another point in favor of weight loss, as this mineral helps to detoxify the body and reduce fluid retention, eliminating excess sodium and toxins from the body through urine. Also, according to your health, It works as an anti-inflammatory for the stomach, thus improving digestion, as well as reducing acidity and the formation of gases in the digestive tract.

By containing good amounts of fiber and water, cucumbers help to soften and increase the size of the stool, promoting its elimination through the intestine, thus improving constipation problems and avoiding inflammation, favoring the purpose of losing extra kilos.

pineapple and cucumber juice to lose weight

  • Half cucumber cucumber.
  • A slice of pineapple.
  • A green apple.
  • Half a stalk of aloe vera.
  • 1 sprig of celery.
  • The juice of an orange.
  • Dice the pineapple slice.
  • Wash the apple and cut it into pieces. Do the same with the cucumber.
  • Remove the crystals from the half stalk of aloe vera and add them to the blender.
  • Add the other ingredients along with 1 glass of water.
  • It is recommended to drink this shake for 7 days twice a day. It must be taken into account that this is a complement to a balanced diet where the consumption of greasy foods, sugary drinks and refined foods should be avoided.

Other drinks with pineapple to lose weight

Pineapple juice with ginger

  • 1 cup of pineapple in cubes.
  • 1.5 cups of water.
  • 1 piece of ginger.
  • 3 mint leaves.
  • Ice, optional.
  • Honey, optional.
  • To make the juice much fresher, you can freeze the pineapple cubes. Serve them in the blender.
  • Add the piece of ginger, regarding 2 centimeters long, already peeled in the blender, add the water and 2 fresh mint leaves.
  • Stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and serve in a glass (if the fiber is not to your liking, you can strain it).
  • Add honey or agave honey to sweeten, some ice to taste and serve. Garnish with some fresh mint leaves and enjoy!
  • If the goal is to lose weight, it is important to note that this juice should be taken as a complement to a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  • It is recommended to take it as soon as it is ready and no more than 20 minutes following it is made, to take advantage of its properties. Ideally, take it in the morning.
  • It can be taken for seven days in a row, then suspended, and then taken interspersed with other types of juices or healthy drinks, to obtain better results.

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