“The Many Health Benefits of Beetroot: A Comprehensive Guide”

2023-05-12 19:15:21

Beetroot, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), is also known as beetroot and is characterized by its striking and vibrant purple color, which distinguishes it from other vegetables.

This vegetable, technically called ‘Beta vulgaris’, It is a reddish and orange tuber in certain cases, which grows mainly in France, Spain and Italy, especially in the winter seasons. It has a thin skin that is easy to separate and a dense white pulp inside. This, according to the web portal Body Mind, does not get fat, being a healthy, light and satiating food.

The nutritionist Gabriela Aguilar, in dialogue with the Guatemalan newspaper Free Press, states that beetroot is a low-fat vegetable and an important source of water. In addition, it contributes to the cleansing and purification of the circulatory system and the liver.

It is also a food rich in vitamin C and folic acid that contributes to the health of the body, among this, because it contains betanin, it can fight cancer cells.

In addition, its antioxidants contribute to improving vision and specifically the retina. It is also rich in iron, and this is why it helps prevent and combat anemia, which is a problem in the body because it does not have enough red blood cells it needs.

Other benefits of beetroot consumption

1. Helps cleanse the body: beetroot contributes to the cleansing and purification of the circulatory system and the liver, thanks to the fact that it is rich in nitrate, which allows them to remain healthy and function properly.

2. Low Calorie: with each 100 grams of this food, only 43 calories are ingested, so it is very light and healthy for those who want to lose weight.

3. Prevents fluid retention: beets are rich in potassium, a nutrient that helps prevent excess fluid from being retained in the body; In addition, it prevents the feeling of swelling and heaviness.

5. Promotes the functioning of the nervous system: Beetroot is rich in group B vitamins, especially B9 and folate, and magnesium, so its consumption contributes to the proper functioning of nerves and muscles.

6. Prevents anemia: it is a vegetable very rich in iron; In addition, it also contains a lot of vitamin C, which further facilitates the absorption of iron.

7. It is antioxidant: its consumption helps prevent aging, cardiovascular risk and degenerative diseases.

How do you eat this vegetable?

If desired, it can also be cooked. It is enough to boil it whole, peel it and finally, chop it. By applying this, its nutrients, vitamins and, no less important, its aroma will be preserved. However, consuming it can cause urine or feces to have a reddish color, but this is not an alarm, it is normal when consuming it.

Medical News Today recommends that people with kidney stones not eat too many beetroot tops, as it can be counterproductive. In some cases, eating this tuber can cause an upset stomach; mainly when it is not consumed frequently.

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