Preventing and Treating Herpes Infection: Expert Recommendations from the Ministry of Health of Russia

2023-05-12 05:11:00

From May 8 to May 14, the Ministry of Health of Russia holds a week for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. According to WHO, diseases caused by the herpes virus are the second leading cause of death from viral infections following influenza. Chief freelance specialist dermatovenereologist of the Ministry of Health of Bashkortostan Eduard Kamalov spoke regarding the effective prevention of herpes infection.

Eduard Salihyanovich, in your opinion, how relevant is the issue of the incidence of herpes virus infection today and why is this disease dangerous?

– Herpes is one of the most common human infections and is a serious medical and social problem. Over 90% of the world’s population is a carrier of the herpes simplex virus, and up to 20% of them have certain manifestations of herpes disease.

What does the term “herpetic infection” mean?

– Herpetic infection is caused by herpes viruses, it is characterized by damage to the skin, mucous membranes, eyes and nervous system. It is assumed that following the disappearance of the skin manifestations of the first episode of infection, the virus is in the body for life in a “sleeping state” in the nerve fibers that are responsible for the sensitivity of the affected skin area. Many people do not care regarding the “sleeping” virus, but some may experience periodic exacerbations of the infection. The appearance of rashes indicates that the virus has “woken up”, exited the nerve fibers into the skin and began to actively multiply. The herpes simplex virus can cause pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, leading to fetal death, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, and can also cause the inability to become pregnant. In addition, following another exacerbation with skin lesions, the so-called shingles, pain in one or another part of the body may persist for a long time.

– Is it true that the herpes virus can be transmitted not only by contact, but also by airborne droplets?

– Herpes simplex virus is usually transmitted by direct contact of an infected skin surface of one person with the skin or mucosa of an uninfected person. Most often, it spreads among people by airborne droplets and sexual contact, since the virus cannot exist for a long time outside a living organism, transmission of infection through household items is extremely rare.

The herpes simplex virus has its own varieties. Type 1 virus is usually passed on accidentally during childhood from infected family members and is more likely to cause facial rashes. The second type of virus can develop later when a person becomes sexually active, it often causes lesions of the skin and mucous membranes in the genital area – this type of lesion is called genital herpes. In addition, there is herpes of newborns – one of the most serious problems. In such cases, the herpes virus is usually transmitted during childbirth through an infected birth canal, and in recent years, transmission of the virus already in the womb has become increasingly important. In newborns in the first months of life, the disease can be extremely difficult due to their weak immunity.

How does herpes manifest itself?

– Rashes with herpes occur in the same “usual” places that correspond to infected nerve fibers. The first sign of exacerbation is the occurrence of a burning sensation, itching, and slight pain. Then, once morest the background of slight redness and slight swelling, small bubbles appear. They quickly “burst”, and erosions form in their place, which are covered with a crust. In 64% of women, genital herpes infection is atypical, so gynecological examinations in specialized rooms play an extremely important role in clarifying the diagnosis and timely treatment. Herpetic infection can be ascending, affecting the mucous membrane of the uterus, tubes, and bladder. In some cases, due to pain, sexual life becomes impossible. However, it should be recalled that genital herpes can be painless. One of the varieties of viral skin diseases of herpetic nature is herpes zoster, that is, herpes zoster, it usually manifests itself as a skin rash on a limited area of ​​u200bu200bthe skin.

– Eduard Salihyanovich, what preventive measures can you recommend?

– Prevention measures are quite simple: it is the observance of personal hygiene rules (use individual towels and washcloths for each family member, use individual dishes and avoid kissing during an exacerbation, do not use someone else’s lipstick) and sexual hygiene (use barrier contraception). If there was an unprotected sexual intercourse, then, in order to exclude infection, it is necessary to consult a specialist and, if necessary, undergo a full course of examination.

– What are the treatments for herpes infection?

– In mild cases, without treatment, all manifestations of the disease disappear following 2-3 weeks, but often exacerbations occur once more, in some patients they recur up to 10-12 times a year. In case of exacerbations of a herpes infection, it is better to consult with your doctor. Many methods of influence are aimed at preventing exacerbations – this is a full-fledged diet rich in vitamins (especially in winter and spring), sufficient exposure to fresh air, physical education, and avoidance of stress. During periods of exacerbation, treatment with antiviral agents is carried out. The attending physician determines the treatment depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of complications.

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