“Get to Know the Real Christa Rigozzi: Beyond Miss Switzerland and Bikini Walks”

2023-05-12 05:26:15

“I was never afraid to speak publicly about topics that affect me”: Christa Rigozzi on moderator Urs Gredig in his program “Gredig direkt”.

Screenshot SRF

Who is Christa Rigozzi? The most successful Miss Switzerland. That’s forever ago. Who is she really? In the talk show “Gredig direct”, old bikini pictures are shown rather than discussing political ambitions.

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  • Christa Rigozzi is a guest on the SRF talk show «Gredig directly».
  • The Ticino presenter and entrepreneur was born on May 2nd
    40 years old.
  • It’s a good time to look back on her life with Urs Gredig – but mainly the superficial is shown and discussed.

After 4 minutes and 30 seconds “Gredig direct” the time has come: “It was like a Miss Switzerland election back then. That’s why we’re starting with the bikini walk, which was already notorious at the time,” says moderator Urs Gredig.

And already running Christa Rigozzi in a bikini across the screen.

“Oh,” says Rigozzi and smiles. What else should she do? It’s been 17 years since you were elected Miss Switzerland. The Swiss television SRF does not forget. Naked skin gets ratings.

After the clip, Urs Gredig says: “Little changed, I really have to say.” He means Rigozzi’s appearance. She smiles and says: “The Miss Switzerland election is no longer up to date, that’s why it no longer exists.”

Who is Christa Rigozzi?

In the following minutes, Gredig only scratched the surface. Rigozzi stays cool. She would not take part in Heidi Klum’s “Germany’s Next Top Model”. “I’m not a model, I have something to say.”

After a third of the broadcast time, moderator Gredig quotes a sentence from an interview: “I won a beauty contest – thanks to my beauty. It was only afterwards that I was able to show who Christa is.”

Who is Christa Rigozzi?

Ten years ago, the 40-year-old from Ticino answered in the SRF program “Schawsinki” to this question: «I am a completely normal woman, optimistic. I have a lot of motivation. i am energetic I’m very communicative. I love the live.”

“It has now been as general as it can not be more general,” replies its moderator Roger Schawinski. ‘But let’s go back and see what happened to you. Because I asked: Everyone is so positive when you ask about Christa Rigozzi. »

A first broadside from Schawinski follows: “Nobody says anything negative. It’s almost suspicious. So what are we going to talk about for 27 minutes?”

And already Christa Rigozzi is walking across the screen in a bikini. “Seven years ago. Mamma mia! », you can hear her say off-screen. The Swiss television SRF does not forget. Naked skin gets ratings.

Mom mia! Swiss television does not forget

Back to «Gredig direct». “I always look ahead, I have no regrets and I would do everything again the way I did it,” says Christa Rigozzi at the beginning of the show.

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“I’m not a model, I have something to say”: Christa Rigozzi.

Screenshot SRF

The Ticino native has been with Giovanni Marchese for 24 years. She is mother of twins. She is reliable, punctual and always well prepared. She is a presenter and entrepreneur.

That is known. nationwide. Thanks are due to «Schweizer Illustrierte», «Glückspost» and blue News. There is definitely more to tell, much more. Christa Rigozzi has something to say. “I have a head,” she says.

For example about family policy in Switzerland. She thinks changes are urgently needed. It cannot be that young mothers who go to work are still asked where their children are.

Christa Rigozzi flirting with politics

Minutes before the end of the talk show, presenter Urs Gredig turns 20. He is amazed: “You are obviously a politically minded person.”

Rigozzi stays cool. “I grew up politically.” From a young age she talked about politics with her parents and her brother. She still does to this day.

If the presenter affects a topic personally, she also gives her opinion on it in interviews. “I’ve never been afraid to speak up.” She is aware that she should not always say something publicly about her position on political issues.

Christa Rigozzi has never committed to a political party. Instead of asking, Gredig meanders: “You don’t say which party you vote for. Of course they can too.” Rigozzi doesn’t respond to her counterpart’s swerve.

Will politics ever become an issue? Who knows. It is known that the Ticino has been asked several times by parties as a candidate. So far she has always declined.

Making plans is not her thing, says Christa Rigozzi in «Gredig directly», who looks positively into the future: «There is always a solution. I am an entrepreneur. I have so many ideas.”

Well, maybe everything will turn out differently when their two six-year-old daughters don’t need them so often one day: “My husband and I dream of a bar on the beach that we run together.”

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