“Discover the Health Benefits and Personal Insights of Different Apple Varieties”

2023-05-10 15:45:00

“One apple a day keeps the doctor away” It is a saying of Welsh origin that has become popular all over the world and that encloses the benefits of this fruit in a sentence. Science has shown that eating “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This fruit is rich in powerful antioxidants that protect health.

But there are many types of apples and, although they all provide benefits, the flavor changes a lot from one variety to another.

He acid point of granny smith green apple nothing looks like sweetness of the red apple of the Gala variety. According to some studies, the preference for one flavor or another gives small clues regarding your personality. In fact, our character is reflected in many of our choices in life: in our favorite color, the music we listen to… And the type of The apple you choose can also say a lot regarding you.. There are more than 7,500 types of apples but they are basically grouped into three types: golden or yellow, green and red. Which one do you prefer?

A: Do you prefer red apples?

Red apples like varieties Gala y Fuji They are characterized by their sweet flavor and are richer in calcium and polyphenols, which is why they strengthen bones and help reduce total cholesterol, triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels.

If you prefer this type of apple it is because you like sweet flavors and you run away from acids. In fact, a red apple is a good alternative when you fancy something sweet between meals and you’re on a diet.

And study of North Dakota State University has shown that people who prefer sweet flavors are more friendly, kind, close and helpful. If you are one of those who enjoys sweets the most, you probably enjoy volunteering or helping others.

B: Do you like yellow apples?


Golden apples have yellow skin thanks to their carotenoids, antioxidants that protect visual and cardiovascular health. They are also rich in iron, zinc and potassium.

This variety is not as sweet as the red one but it is far from the acidity of the green apple and stands out for its crunchy texture.

If you choose yellow apples, you are halfway between sweet and salty, sour or bitter. Personality studies reveal that these people would not stand out for their excessively generous character with others but they are not individualists either. They are characterized by their balanced and realistic personality, and are a little perfectionists.

C: Do you prefer green apples?


The Granny Smith is the most popular green apple variety and stands out for its bright green color and acid taste. The type of fiber in this apple is a good prebiotic that feeds the intestinal bacteria, so it helps to take care of the microbiota and is an ally to lose weight.

The green apple is the least liked because of its sour taste. A study conducted by researchers at Wageningen University found that people who like acidic foods are more thoughtful and rationalbut they are also more prone to overthinking things and suffering from anxiety.

#Choose #apple #discover



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