“Raising Awareness of Politics in Louvain-la-Neuve: The Battle of Ideas for Student Elections”

2023-05-11 04:30:00

Louvain-la-Neuve is not a bubble protected from such discourse. And the prospect of elections in a year may well accentuate “the battle of ideas”as Justine Havelange, president of the General Assembly of Louvain Students (AGL) says.

“There’s a whole generation that hasn’t voted yet, and I’m one of them, and so there’s clearly an electorate to be won back, whether it’s on one side or another, she explains. And I believe that this kind of actions will precisely begin to multiply. We will have to react as student representatives, to try to deconstruct these mechanisms and be able to inform students so that they can vote in an informed manner. We will have to do this work of raising awareness of the political issue at our levels as well.”

It is probably no coincidence that such messages appear now, when Parliament recently debated an extension of the period during which one can perform a voluntary termination of pregnancy.

#Antiabortion #tags #spark #misunderstanding #indignation #LouvainlaNeuve



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