Half-hearted agreement for the Aberseer in the place name dispute

2023-05-11 06:03:19

The people of Aberse lose their postal code in Strobl and receive a place name sign (without meaning) and an additional address. For some, that’s not enough.

The people of Aberseer at Lake Wolfgang have been fighting for the preservation of their place name for two years. At least a partial solution has now been found. As Strobler Mayor Josef Weikinger (ÖVP) reports, “Abersee” can be added to the delivery address in the future. The place of delivery remains Strobl. And for the first time there will also be a sign with the place name Abersee on the Strobler side. Weikinger speaks of a “good solution”. For him, the issue is over.

Peter Beinsteiner, spokesman for the citizens’ initiative “Aberseea for Abersee”, …

#Halfhearted #agreement #Aberseer #place #dispute



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