“Inara Rusli Reports Adultery Claims Against Virgoun and Tenri Anisa: Latest Updates and Evidence”

2023-05-11 00:05:42


Inara Rusli take legal steps by reporting Virgoun and his alleged mistress, Tenri Anisa to Polda Metro Jaya on suspicion of adultery.

This was done by Inara Rusli as a follow-up to the violation of Virgoun’s statement regarding the affair with Tenri Anisa.

“This police report was filed by Ms. Inara regarding the statement that Virgoun once made,” said Andy Mulia Siregar as Inara Rusli’s attorney during a press conference in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta.

Then, Andy Mulia Siregar reiterated the four points contained in the statement.

“There are 4 points in the letter. One, if she repeats her actions, Virgoun will divorce Ms. Inara and it has been done. Second, if she repeats her actions she is willing to be reported for violating the adultery article,” explained Andy Mulia Siregar.

“Third, regarding the trial at the Religious Court, Virgoun has also stated that custody is with Inara. Point 4, that he gave the living expenses of his children Rp. 40 million to Ms. Inara,” he continued.

The truth of these points will be sought by the police, especially the first point regarding the alleged act of adultery.

“Those are all Virgoun’s points that we will seek the truth for,” said Andy Mulia Siregar.

Inara Rusli’s party already has a number of evidences such as video and chat to corroborate his report.

“We already have some evidence which will be corroborated (with) witness statements,” explained Andy Mulia Siregar.

“There are videos, chats and so on. Later, the police also need to investigate,” he explained.

Previously, the police report was registered under number LP/B/2427/V/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA with the reported Virgoun and Tenri Anisa regarding Article 284 of the Criminal Code for alleged adultery.

Watch Video “New Chapter of Virgoun and Inara’s Household Drama


#Inara #Rusli #Police #Report #Virgouns #Statement #Letter



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