“Uncovering the Truth: Did Apollo 11 Really Land on the Moon? Insights from Dmitry Rogozin”

2023-05-10 11:13:37

Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency, claimed that regarding a decade ago he was looking for concrete evidence that the Americans had landed on the moon in 1969. Since he didn’t find much, he questions whether the Apollo 11 mission ever reached the surface of the moon.

“About ten years ago, when I was working in the government, I sent an official request to Roscosmos to provide me with documents regarding the Americans’ stay on the moon, which at that time were still available to the federal agency” Rogozin said in a post published on Sunday.

Then he wrote: “I was painfully embarrassed by the fact that the Soviet cosmonauts returning from multi-day expeditions might hardly stand on their feet and underwent a long recovery following such flights, while the Americans jumped out of their lunar rovers like cucumbers from the garden.”

Rogozin claimed that a Roshkozmosh has repeatedly submitted applications to NASA to prove the 1969 moon landing. The only evidence he received, he said, was a book containing Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov’s account of his conversation with American astronauts and their discussions regarding the moon mission.

Rogozin continued his post as follows:

“In 2018, when I started working at the state-owned enterprise Roscosmos, I continued to look for evidence, but I found nothing, except for the angry accusations of some people that I was going to America at the expense of others, including academics, that I, according to them, undermined the “sacred cooperation” between NASA -with.” I also received an angry call from a senior official who accused me of exacerbating the international situation with my doubts.

I have not undermined or aggravated anything, I have only naturally tried to penetrate to the depths of the details, and to ascertain, at least for myself, the true state of things in the matter of the discovery of the moon by our competitors. It was not clear to me how the United States, at the level of technological development of the 60s of the last century, knew what it does not know now?”

According to Rogozint, that spaceship had less computing power than even a modern USB-C charger, yet in 1969 it was able to take astronauts to the moon, where 54 years later humans have not been able to return, even thanks to current modern technology.


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