“Drought Crisis in South-West France: Restrictions and Prohibitions in Place Until June 13”

2023-05-10 10:56:35

The department of south-west France has been placed since Wednesday morning in a critical stage due to the historic drought which is hitting it. Many bans run until June 13.

Since this Wednesday morning, and at least until June 13, the Pyrénées-Orientales have been placed in “drought crisis”, the highest level of alert that the prefecture can issue. For several weeks, alerts have been increasing concerning the water resources of the department, which has experienced a very dry winter. A situation which did not allow to fill in sufficient quantity the local water tables.

Already on April 25, the prefect had warned that during the summer, there would be no water “for all”. An alert which seems to materialize earlier than expected, while the transition to “drought crisis” this Wednesday is accompanied by numerous bans, both for farmers and for individuals.

The map of restrictive measures in the Pyrénées-Orientales.
The map of restrictive measures in the Pyrénées-Orientales. © Prefecture of Pyrénées-Orientales

They concern the areas located on “the watersheds and aquifers of the Agly and the Têt as well as the aquifers of the Aspres and the coastal border”, in red in the map above, encompassing three-quarters of the department. The south and south-west of the Pyrénées-Orientales are on “enhanced alert”.

· What restrictions for farmers?

In areas in “crisis”, the prefecture indicates that “agricultural samples are prohibited”. It is therefore technically impossible for farmers to take water from groundwater. But exceptions are possible.

Even in a crisis zone, it is still possible to water the animals, “without restriction”. Similarly, it is still possible to irrigate open-field market gardening, reducing water withdrawals by 80 or 50% depending on the irrigation system in place. Planted trees, shrubs and vines “less than 3 years old” can still be watered, once more reducing water withdrawals by 50%.

But for the farmers of the region, despite the exceptions provided for, the blow is hard. “We have already been restricted to 50% irrigation compared to usual years”, confides to BFMTV Domitille Zazzi, arborist in the Pyrénées-Orientales. So that her apricot trees consume less water, she has even resigned herself to pruning some of her trees.

Because the standards for this spring 2023 are closer to those observed in warmer regions.

“At this level of precipitation, we are more in a desert climate. So there is a risk on all agricultural production”, explains Serge Zaka, doctor in agroclimatology.

For the specialist, it is even possible that the farmers of the Pyrénées-Orientales “skip a season”, at the sight of the water status of their fields. “They won’t have fun planting vegetables since they won’t be able to harvest them until the end,” he concludes.

· What prohibitions for municipalities?

The transition to drought crisis also has many consequences for the municipalities which are located in the vast area which turns red from this Wednesday in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

The decree issued by the prefecture thus prohibits watering lawns, flower beds, green spaces and roundregardings. It is also forbidden to water the sports fields, “with the exception of one field per sports facility, the watering of which is authorized from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. provided that the water is entirely from a reuse process. “.

For golf courses, a ban is also in place, except from “8 p.m. to 2 a.m. provided that the water is entirely from a reuse process”. Finally, the cleaning of terraces, facades, roofs and roads that are not subject to work are also prohibited, as are beach showers.

These multiple prohibitions aim above all to preserve the department’s drinking water supply.

“The particular case of this sector is that half of the samples taken from the groundwater are used for drinking water. So inevitably, we sample all year round from these groundwater”, explains Bruno Coupry, director of the office. studies of Eaucéa.

· Is it still possible to operate your swimming pool?

The list of prohibitions for individuals is also important. No more watering the vegetable garden, although some municipalities still have the possibility of authorizing one night of watering per week, outside the irrigation canal.

Friday, the Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu announced the ban on the sale of above-ground swimming pools in the Pyrénées-Orientales. The prefecture specifies this Wednesday that “the filling and topping up of water in all swimming pools and basins for private use” is now prohibited.

Just like the use of jacuzzis and spas, with the exception of those which are “connected to a system of total recovery and reuse of water”. Finally, it is forbidden to clean your vehicle, except in a car wash that recycles at least 70% of the water used.

· Are firefighters affected by the bans?

This exceptional drought brings with it the fear of seeing more fires. In April, in Cerbère, the department of Pyrénées-Orientales was affected by the largest fire since the beginning of 2023. It had destroyed 931 hectares of vegetation.

In the department, aware of the lack of water, firefighters are already resources. Water from disused wine vats, but also from swimming pools was pumped out, so as not to draw on drinking water reserves.

Firefighters pump water from the swimming pool of a campsite in the Pyrénées-Orientales on May 4, 2023.
Firefighters pump water from the swimming pool of a campsite in the Pyrénées-Orientales on May 4, 2023. © RAYMOND ROIG / AFP

“In a campsite which has to empty its water, we collect it to put it in a tank which will serve as a strategic reserve for us during the period of forest fires”, explained on BFMTV Captain Olivier Cyprien, expert officer in the forecasting service.

· Should we fear a situation similar to that of Spain?

The Pyrénées-Orientales border Spain, a country that is experiencing exceptional drought. In Catalonia, the Rialb reservoir is currently only at 5% of its capacity, compared to 40% at the same time last year. More generally, the Spanish reservoirs are at less than 50% of their capacity.

“The Pyrénées-Orientales are in line with what is happening in Spain. If it does not rain, we will have the same situation as that observed in Catalonia or Andalusia”, explains Serge Zaka.

Before concluding: “It’s the whole Mediterranean basin that is concerned. If it doesn’t rain, we will end up exactly like the Spaniards”. In the Pyrénées-Orientales, to observe an improvement in the situation, it would be necessary to hope for 300mm of precipitation. That is 10 to 20 times more than today.

#Agriculture #firefighters #consequences #passage #drought #crisis #PyrénéesOrientales



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