“AstraZeneca and SEMI Join Forces to Improve Internal Medicine in Spain”

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2023-05-10 08:34:35

. Juana Carretero, president of SEMI; and Ana Pérez Domínguez, Medical and Regulatory Affairs Director of AstraZeneca Spain.

AstraZeneca and the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) have signed a collaboration agreement by virtue of which AstraZeneca becomes a “strategic partner” of the scientific society. The agreement binds the pharmaceutical company to collaborate with the SEMI in different activities of a scientific and professional nature, such as sponsorship of congresses or support in holding conferences and training courses.

The activities that AstraZeneca launches throughout this year in collaboration with SEMI will also be channeled through the Spanish Foundation for Internal Medicine (FEMI) which, among other issues, promotes, encourages and disseminates scientific activities, both educational as researchers, related to Internal Medicine. These initiatives will be aimed at improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular, renal and metabolism, respiratory system and immunology diseases.

On behalf of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), the collaboration agreement has been signed by Juana Carretero, president of the society, who has highlighted that “the cooperation alliance that AstraZeneca and SEMI have just materialized will, in practice, accelerate the development of initiatives and actions that contribute to the continuous improvement of Internal Medicine in Spain. It is a pleasure to have a new strategic partner like AstraZeneca to work on projects that will undoubtedly benefit both internists and patients.”

On behalf of AstraZeneca, Ana Pérez Dominguez, Medical and Regulatory Affairs Director of AstraZeneca Spain, pointed out that “at AstraZeneca we are totally involved in providing solutions for people who live with chronic diseases. For this reason, we have decided to work hand in hand with SEMI, with whom we are committed to maintaining close collaboration and adding value to the different actions that we carry out jointly so that all of this can benefit the patient”, she indicated. .

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