MUK receives accreditation for artistic-scientific doctoral studies (PhD) – mica

2023-05-10 07:24:21

Vienna (OTS)The Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK), a Wien Holding company, has successfully obtained accreditation for its new artistic-scientific doctoral program. The MUK doctoral program is an excellence-oriented course with an international focus. It enables students to develop and implement interdisciplinary, original, visionary and experimental projects, while also critically including socio-political issues.

The new artistic-scientific doctoral program of the Music and Arts Private University of the City of Vienna (MUK) is an important milestone for the institution and its reputation as an established research center in the city of Vienna. From autumn 2023, the six-semester course will offer the interdisciplinary research areas of contemporary theater, interpretation research, composition/music theory, art and culture mediation, performance art and contemporary dance.

The accreditation of this new doctoral program of the MUK represents a significant success, not least in view of the current discussions regarding private universities. This is the status of MUK as a private university, legally secure in the long term. Wien Holding-CEO and owner representative MUK, dr Kurt Gollowitzer emphasizes the expertise and focus of the MUK in the development of the program: “With the new doctoral program, the MUK is significantly strengthening its reputation as an artistic-scientific, innovative institution. The Rectorate and the entire team have worked hard over the past few months to develop this program, which will make a significant contribution to artistic research for the art and music city of Vienna.”

Further develop artistic-scientific practice

The new doctoral program underscores the continuously successful development of the MUK, the only university owned by the City of Vienna. Rector Dr. Andreas Mailath-Pokorny explains: “The accreditation of our doctoral program sends a strong signal for the research results that have been steadily increasing over the years and for their dissemination. We are proud to support our students in an interdisciplinary environment and to help them generate new research knowledge and further develop their artistic-scientific practice. With the doctorate, the MUK completes its academic training program in accordance with the Bologna guidelines.”

Vice Rector for Science and Research Dr. Rosemarie Brucher: “With this accreditation, the MUK is setting another milestone in its self-image as a research institution that questions the conventional understanding of research and knowledge, but also of art and culture, and thus contributes to an expanded understanding and unconventional artistic approaches.”

The accreditation shows that the MUK characterized by excellent work and the highest quality standards and that it plays an important role in the academic landscape in Vienna, Austria and internationally. The MUK is a shining example of how capable private universities are of offering innovative and forward-looking courses and contributing to academic and artistic development.

Music and Art Private University of the City of Vienna

Die Music and Arts Private University of the City of Vienna (MUK) Sees itself as a progressive music and art university that creates cultural values ​​for the future through development and development in the fields of music, dance, drama and singing. The MUK is, as a subsidiary of Wien Holding, the only university owned by the City of Vienna and unites – with around 850 students and over 270 teachers – the best international young talent and outstanding teachers in the world capital of music in Vienna. Due to the financing by the city of Vienna (state university), the MUK In contrast to the federal universities, it is accredited according to the Private Universities Act.


Wien Holding

#MUK #receives #accreditation #artisticscientific #doctoral #studies #PhD #mica



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