“Cervical Cancer: Symptoms and When to Seek Help from a Gynecologist”

2023-05-09 12:08:53

“Like many other types of cancer, cervical cancer is initially asymptomatic,” explains gynecologist Dr. Judith Bildau at the request of RTL. And the fact that young women like Karen Hobbs get sick in their mid-20s is “very, very rare”.

Only advanced cell growth usually causes symptoms, which patients then also notice. “This can be vaginal bleeding, a foreign body sensation in the vagina or pain during sex,” says Dr. picture But these symptoms do not necessarily have to be caused by cancer cells.

Reading tip: window.dataLayer.push(event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/polizist-kaempfte- once morest-cancer-through-hpv-lost-ich -my-half-tongue-4831315.html’))()”> Police officer fought cancer: “I lost half my tongue to HPV”

Whether a bloody discharge, as with the British comedienne, indicates cancer also depends on the age of the woman. “Discharge or light bleeding are relatively common and are usually completely harmless, especially in young women,” explains the gynecologist. “It’s a little different for women following menopause. If there is a bloody discharge or even vaginal bleeding, this should always be clarified by a gynecologist.”

It is important for all women: If such symptoms occur more frequently, it is advisable to consult a doctor. This also applies if a woman generally feels unsafe with complaints or possible symptoms.

#symptoms #doctor #immediately



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