“Urgent Action Needed: Recommendations to Prevent and Reduce Obesity in France by 2023”

2023-05-09 10:51:28

« With the Health Nutrition Plan and the Obesity Roadmap coming to an end in 2023, there is an urgent need to act! Martine Laville, professor of nutrition at Claude Bernard University in Lyon, presented at the end of April to François Braun, Minister of Health and Prevention, and Jean-Christophe Combe, Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities, its report on the prevention and management of obesity. Forty recommendations to prevent and in particular reduce the incidence of obesity by acting primarily on disadvantaged, provide better care so that the people concerned have access to appropriate care, better train health professionals, and invest in research and innovation.

While overweight affects half of the French, obesity today affects 17% of adults, or 8.5 million of our fellow citizens. A notable increase in obesity is particularly marked among the youngest French people: since 1997, obesity among 18-24 year olds has in fact increased more than fourfold, and by almost three among 25-34 year olds. . Among children also, 17% are overweight including 4% obese. By being almost twice as prevalent in the most modest categories, obesity is at the crossroads of social inequalities and health inequalities.

Faced with this observation, in the context of National health nutrition programs successive and Obesity roadmap, the Government implements strong and coordinated actions to raise awareness and ensure comprehensive care of the patient, throughout the territory. This is reflected in particular by the forthcoming updating of the nutritional regulations in school catering or the introduction of a vegetarian menu, by the withdrawal of Solidarity Pact to improve our children’s access to diverse and quality food, and thus forge good habits that will follow them all their life. Physical activity also plays an essential role in preventing and combating obesity and deployment of Sport-Health Centersalready numbering 500 throughout the territory, concretely reflects the Government’s commitment to anchor prevention in the daily life of the French people.

To further strengthen the Government’s action in the years to come, the Minister for Health and Prevention and the Minister for Solidarity, Autonomy and Disabled Persons have retained four objectives formulated in the report, which should mark a new ambition in the fight once morest obesity.

– Better prevention, to reduce the incidence of obesity by acting primarily on the most disadvantaged.
– Better care, by allowing a growing number of overweight or obese people to access care adapted to their situation.
– Invest in research and innovation, to perfect our knowledge of the determinants of this complex disease and thus develop the most appropriate treatments.
– Prioritize investing overseas.

Les médecins doivent être mieux formés à la prévention et au traitement de l’obésité par un module dédié dans le 2ème cycle des études médicales et dans le DES de médecine générale. L’ensemble des professionnels impliqués dans la prévention et le traitement de l’obésité (infirmiers, notamment Infirmiers de Pratique avancée (IPA) et Asalée (Actions de Santé Libérale en Equipe), diététiciens, enseignants en Activité Physique adaptée (APA), psychologues, kinésithérapeutes, ergothérapeutes ...) doivent recevoir une formation initiale et continue sur l’obésité. La création d’une plateforme nationale de formation-information et d’un référentiel de formation continue pour ces professionnels favorisera la mise à jour des connaissances.

In accordance with the commitments of the President of the Republic and the priorities presented by the Prime Minister on April 26, the ministers made a point of reaffirming that the objective of better treatment and better prevention of obesity is fully in line with the overall overhaul of our health system started in recent months. They will therefore carry out, in the coming months, a coordinated and ambitious roadmap to pursue these objectives.

They will also ensure that the actions carried out within the framework of the National Council for the Refoundation of Health, the Assizes of Pediatrics and Child Health and the Solidarity Pact, give full consideration to this major health issue. public and lead to the emergence of new ambitious actions rooted in the territories.

Investir prioritairement dans les Départements et Régions d’Outre-mer (DROM)
Ils cumulent en effet tous les obstacles à une bonne santé décrits pour la métropole. Ceci conduit à une situation sanitaire globalement très dégradée, avec une forte prévalence d’obésité entraînant d’importantes complications comme le diabète, le syndrome métabolique, l’hypertension artérielle, l’insuffisance rénale chronique, les maladies coronariennes et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC).

« Better prevention and management of obesity in France” (PDF) – Professor Martine Laville With the assistance of Maryse Fourcade, member of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs, 27 avril 2023.

#Management #obesity #urgent #act



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