2023-05-08 11:30:47
08 mei 2023 om 13:30
At the end of 2022, there were more than 6 gigawatts of onshore wind turbines in the Netherlands, according to the new Onshore Wind Monitor of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. The target of the 2013 energy agreement was finally achieved.
According to the agreements in the energy agreement, there should have been at least 6 gigawatts of onshore wind turbines by 2020 – ie excluding the wind farms in the North Sea. That goal has now only been achieved three years later.
In 2017 it became clear that it would not be achieved. The goal was postponed to 2023. The delay has now been compensated by the faster than expected growth in the number of solar panels.
The number of wind turbines is expected to increase by 835 megawatts this year. Several wind projects are currently planned. It is not yet entirely clear how the plans for wind energy will develop following 2023. There are a number of projects in the pipeline, but for some of those projects it is not yet certain whether they will actually materialize and, if so, when.
This is because the construction of wind turbines on land is increasingly encountering objections from local residents. Last year, the Council of State drew a line through the national rules that prescribe how much noise and shadow shadow wind farms may cause.
This ruling currently has many consequences for the planning of new wind projects.
#Netherlands #finally #achieved #wind #energy #target #climate #agreement #Economy