“Screen Buttons: The Future of Foldable Devices and Beyond”

2023-05-08 00:30:34

Physical buttons can also grow on the screen?It is the savior of folding screen laptop and tablet

It has been decades since the computer keyboard was launched. In the age of crazy advancements in computers, laptops, and tablets, this traditional input interface remains unchanged. Candice, a senior technology editor, also talked about the reasons why the physical keyboard is difficult to replace in a special topic “No matter how big the screen of the mobile phone and tablet is, why the virtual keyboard cannot replace the physical keyboard?” That is to say, even though technology has allowed laptops and tablets to use folding screens to create larger displays and applications, the virtual keyboard placed on the screen is still criticized, and we still cannot do without the efficiency and convenience of a physical keyboard.

So how to make the input of the upcoming foldable screen laptop and tablet more convenient without having to bring an extra physical keyboard? Now FIG (Future Interfaces Group, Future Interface Alliance) has a solution, they directly let the screen grow physical buttons? It sounds mysterious, but if it is realized, it will bring unparalleled advancement to foldable screen laptops and tablets.

*from FIG

Let’s talk about why the virtual keyboard cannot replace the physical keyboard. First of all, it comes from the inability to use fingers to identify the relative position of the keyboard. When we want to input text, to achieve efficiency, we must look at the screen with our eyes, and our fingers will naturally respond to input text. Although this kind of action seems intuitive, it all comes from knowing the relative position of the text to be input. This relative position comes from you know Which key is being touched now, so the number of times the eyes look at the keyboard can be greatly reduced. The virtual keyboard without physical buttons lacks the independent touch of each button, so you can’t know which button you are touching, and you have to spend most of your time staring at the virtual keyboard and watching on the screen. Looking back and forth with the virtual keyboard, so efficiency drops dramatically.


The second is the feedback from the keyboard. Although the virtual keyboard can use vibration feedback, the response is not as direct and fast as the real keyboard. It is easy to lack confidence when typing, and it is easy to cause repeated pressing or failure. .


and FIG It is because of this demand that the screen grows a keyboard, which sounds incredible. How can a hard screen grow a keyboard? So this part needs to rely on the development of flexible screens, that is, OLED or Micro LED displays. These two types of screens are flexible, allowing the screen to be bent and deformed without destroying the structure of the screen. This is the main technology for the development of folding screens.

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This technology uses embedded electroosmotic pumps (Embedded Electroosmotic Pumps, EEOPs) as a technology, and uses electric drive pumps to push liquid to lift up a specific area under the screen by 1.5mm, thus creating independent buttons. And this button has a power of plus or minus 50kPA, which can provide feedback when you feel the pressing pressure, and also give you a clearer feeling when typing.

*from FIG

This technology has indeed been used to grow a keyboard on the screen, but it is still in the experimental stage. It will take some time for major display manufacturers to join the application, but this concept really solves the problem of virtual keyboards that are tasteless and discarded. embarrassing position. In addition to the application of this technology as a virtual keyboard, it will also be very easy to use on a smartphone or a car screen. For example, screen fingerprint recognition on mobile phones still needs to use vision to see the fingerprint recognition position to sense. If it can be raised during fingerprint recognition, it can clearly know the recognition position; and car displays can also use this technology , so that physical buttons grow on the screen, such as volume, temperature, etc. If you need to operate while driving, you don’t have to look down at the screen and cause danger.


But the disadvantages are still obvious at this stage, that is, will the flatness of the screen be affected, just like the current foldable screen mobile phone will have dents at the bend, and the raised keyboard will definitely appear dents or unevenness , which is a problem that needs to be solved. The other is the issue of durability, whether it can withstand frequent use without damage will also be tested. However, this technology has at least allowed us to imagine the possibility of physical buttons on the screen in the future. This technology will also provide a more convenient and intuitive input method for all screen devices.

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