“Raw vs Cooked: 10 Vegetables You Should Eat Raw for Optimal Health and Weight Loss”

2023-05-07 17:00:00

  1. 24vita
  2. Health


Von: Laura Knops

If you want to lose weight, you should include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet. Some varieties are even healthier raw than cooked.

1 / 10Cauliflower is healthy, low in calories and easy to prepare. The vegetables don’t even need to be cooked. As an alternative to rice or in a salad, cauliflower contains numerous minerals, as well as vitamins C and B. These are important for the connective tissue. With only 22 calories per 100 grams, cabbage is also particularly low in calories. © Westend61/Imago
Beetroot juice
2 / 10Beetroot is full of important nutrients such as secondary plant substances, iron and vitamin C. However, many people only eat beetroot cooked. The raw tuber is much healthier. The reason for this is that flavonoids, folic acid and vitamin C are lost during cooking. The beet can be eaten raw in a salad or as a smoothie, for example. © WavebreakmediaMicro/Imago
Fennel bulbs
3 / 10Raw fennel is well tolerated and easily digestible. Eating it raw is especially healthy. Because the tubers contain a lot of magnesium, calcium and vitamin C. Essential oils such as fenchone, anethole and myrcene can also be found in fennel, which are said to help with digestive problems. Heat, on the other hand, can reduce the levels of certain nutrients, such as vitamin C. © Auremar/Imago
Rotten Pepper
4 / 10Peppers contain a particularly large amount of vitamin C. If the vegetables are eaten raw, half a pepper covers the daily requirement of nutrients, as reported by the German Society for Nutrition (DGE). However, the heat-sensitive vitamin is destroyed during cooking. For this reason, peppers should be eaten raw. © Francis Joseph Dean/Dean Picture/Imago
Kale on the cutting board
5 / 10Raw kale contains a high amount of glucosinolates, which are important for the immune system and have an antibiotic effect. Heat can also replace the levels of vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc. © YResolution/Imago
Sliced ​​red onion
6 / 10Onions are also one of the foods that have more healthy ingredients raw than cooked. Various vitamins, antioxidants and the potassium they contain make onions so healthy. Thiosulfinates are also nutrients found in raw onions that help inhibit inflammation and tumor growth. If you don’t like uncooked onions, you can alternatively sauté them briefly at a low temperature. Sweating increases the release of flavonoids, which, according to the Öko-Test experts, strengthen the body’s defenses and inhibit allergy triggers. © wide format/Imago
Glass of carrot juice
7 / 10Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which protects the eyes and skin from harmful UV rays and free radicals. Carrots are healthy both raw and cooked. When cooking, however, some of the important nutrients are lost. © 5second/Imago
zucchini on board
8 / 10Contrary to what many people think, zucchini can also be eaten raw. The green vegetables are particularly healthy when raw, as they contain iron, vitamin A and vitamin C, among other things, when uncooked. The important ingredients are in the shell. For this reason, zucchinis should never be peeled before eating. According to Öko-Test, consumers should only be careful if the zucchini tastes bitter. In this case, bitter substances, so-called cucurbitcaine, have already been released. © Westend61/Imago
A broccoli can be seen.
9 / 10Although most vegetables come cooked, broccoli can also be eaten raw. The cabbage plant contains numerous nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamins C, E and K, potassium, calcium and beta-carotenes. Broccoli is also rich in fiber and antioxidants, also known as phytochemicals, which protect the body from free radicals. Raw broccoli is particularly healthy because it preserves most of the vitamins – especially the heat-sensitive vitamin C – and minerals. © Moodboard/Imago
Various cloves of garlic that fell out of a small basket.
10 / 10Even cutting the garlic releases the substance allicin, which, according to Apotheken Umschau, is important for heart health and can reduce the risk of cancer. However, heating destroys the nutrient and it is lost. If you don’t want to eat garlic raw, you can gently sauté the pureed cloves in oil, according to the NDR. The unpleasant sulfur compounds are destroyed and the taste becomes milder without destroying the healthy ingredients. © Miroslava Drozdowski/Imago

Vegetables and fruit are the main components of a healthy diet. Fresh food contains many valuable vitamins, minerals and roughage. And can even help you lose weight, which is possible with celery, cucumber, carrots and ginger, as well as lemons with the peel. However, some varieties are particularly sensitive to heat. When cooking, baking and roasting, many of the nutrients contained can be lost. In contrast to heated foods, raw foods provide the body with all the vitamins, enzymes and minerals it can use. Raw food can also help relieve indigestion and curb appetite. The dietary fiber it contains helps the body to stimulate intestinal function and to get full faster. There are actually varieties that are better eaten raw.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions regarding clinical pictures.

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