“Arab Summit in Jeddah: Morocco’s Efforts for Reunification of Arab Ranks and Syria’s Role in Achieving Peace and Security”

2023-05-07 15:25:40

Speaking in the context of the session devoted to the Syrian file during the emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers, Nasser Bourita stressed that the efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in this direction, on the basis that the good does not does not come with division but rather with unity and complementarity, will make the next Arab Summit in Jeddah a real opportunity for the reunification of Arab ranks.

Nasser Bourita recalled, on this occasion, the historic ties between Morocco and Syria which are rooted in the blood of Moroccan, Syrian and Arab soldiers who mingled and spread during the October 1973 war for the defense of the integrity of this Arab country, emphasizing that the Sovereign has always paid attention to the Syrian crisis and its various repercussions, first and foremost the human dimension.

After deploring the ordeal, the violence and the troubles that have affected this thousand-year-old country over the past twelve years, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad indicated that this crisis had an impact negative impact on Syrians in their peace of mind, their living conditions and their individual aspirations towards the broad horizons offered by freedom, openness and effective participation in public affairs, in addition to the impact of this crisis on all the countries of the region.

He stressed that the Arab group sincerely sought to play a role in extinguishing the flames of the escalation, but the acceleration of events and foreign interventions prevented this.

“We would like to ask ourselves in order to move clearly on the healthy and sustainable path, if the return of Syria to the League of Arab States is an objective in itself, then it is a perception, and if the objective goes beyond, so it is another perception that makes the Arab League one of the outlets for peace and security and one of Syria’s faithful partners in achieving its aspirations for development and prosperity,” the minister said. .

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Nasser Bourita added that “if we adhere to the principle of preserving Syria’s sovereignty, its territorial integrity, the cohesion of its society and non-interference in its internal affairs, as one of the constants of our work, then common commitment is a virtue and a duty that translates into concrete measures in order to prove the ability to respond to other pressing problems, for the Syrians themselves and for Arab and other countries, such as as the safe return of refugees, the facilitation of the delivery of humanitarian and medical aid, the launching of the process of national reconciliation and the fight against terrorism in all forms”.

The Minister concluded that this could make this Arab dynamism towards the Syrian file consistent with the efforts of the United Nations special envoy to Syria to achieve a breakthrough in this crisis with the help of the Syrians themselves, from a way that takes into account the interest of the Syrian people and avoids making this country a quagmire to settle the political calculations of outside parties.

Par Le360 (with MAP)

On 07/05/2023 at 3:23 p.m.

#Arab #League #fight #divisions #Moroccos #plea #total #readmission #Syria

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