“Texas Mall Shooting Leaves 9 Dead, Including Gunman: Latest News and Updates”

2023-05-07 05:30:00

Gunman opened fire as soon as he got out of the car
Suspected single shooter shot and killed by police
3 people seriously injured


A shooting spree occurred at a shopping mall in Texas, USA, killing nine people, including the shooter, and wounding seven others.

The gunman was also killed on the spot.

In the United States, mass shootings are becoming commonplace, with 198 such mass shootings occurring this year.

This is reporter Kim Jin-ho’s report.


Gunshots rang out in the parking lot of a mall outside Dallas.

Shoppers flee in terror.

[라파엘 / 목격자 ·쇼핑몰 직원 : 총소리를 듣고 모두 뒤쪽으로 달려갔어요. 모두 겁에 질렸어요. 무슨 일이냐고 물었죠. 무슨 일이냐고요?]

[콜 코첵 / 목격자 : 검은색 옷을 입고 조끼를 입은 남자가 돌격 소총을 들고 맞은편에 있는 사람들을 향해 총을 쏘는 장면을 봤습니다.]

The shooter opened fire as soon as he got out of the silver car, killing eight people.

The shooter, believed to be a lone culprit, was killed by police.

[조나산 보이드 / 앨런 소방서장 : 현장에서 7명의 사망자를 발견했습니다. 9명을 병원이나 지역 외상 시설로 이송했고 이중 2명은 사망했습니다.]

Three of the people transported are said to be in critical condition.

The White House said President Biden was briefed on the shooting and provided assistance to local officials.

“It’s a tragedy beyond words,” said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican who signed legislation to ease gun control in the wake of past mass shootings in a written statement.

According to the nonprofit Archive of Gun Violence, there have been at least 198 mass shootings this year, the most since 2016.

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The organization defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are killed or injured, not including the shooter.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

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