“Mother’s Day Meditations: Connecting with Love and Positivity”

2023-05-06 21:30:19

Today, in the Mother’s Daywe want to give you one of the best gifts we can offer you, dedicate these three meditations full of positive aspirations.

Las positive aspirations They offer genuine wishes for love and well-being so that, even if we are far from them, they can receive it. Because we all share the desire for genuine well-being, to feel loved and to be accepted just as we are. And mothers, those people who have cared for, protected and loved us since we were little, are a great example of how this love can be offered and remain sown forever.

Today we collect at ABC Well-being three guided meditations by the psychologist and mindfulness expert Belén Colomina so that you can reconnect with your mother on this special day.

Positive aspirations that help to feel close to our mother


Looks, hugs, complicit words and careful silences with a mother


Memories, sensations and teachings that later accompany us in each stage of our life. Looks, hugs, complicit words and careful silences, beloved. Whether you are near or far from her, I invite you to do this meditation as an offering. Enjoy it!

The gift that makes a mother happier cannot be bought


Memories that will be kept forever in the form of an internal presence


There are many gift ideas for Mother’s Day but one, the most important, cannot be bought. Giving Shared Experiences, love, your presence, the quality and warmth of your time, will generate memories full of meaning. Memories that will be saved forever in the form of an internal presence.

In this meditation we want to dedicate these minutes of self care to grow these seeds of love that mothers left, generation following generation to create life. We want to nurture inside, to thank and value all the experiences and memories that accompany us.

How to cultivate loving kindness on Mother’s Day with meditation


For all the teachings and hugs that perhaps existed even without words


Mothers who, in each fall, were prepared to welcome you, once more, when you got up. Because they believed in your path, because they wanted and always want the best for each of your moments, because they fought and will fight for your welfare.

For all the teachings and hugs that perhaps existed even without words, with looks that expressed far beyond where the eye can see. Because there would not be enough words for them, we offer you today this space in which we will spread, from within, that unconditional love and acceptance that made us feel cared for, cared for and loved. For them, who accompanied us and continue to accompany us from wherever they are.

#meditations #closer #mother #special #day

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