“Antonio Gasalla’s Family Issues Statement on His Mental Health Condition and Robbery – Updates on His Current Health Status”

2023-05-06 05:48:53

After it became known on April 27 that Antonio Gasalla had been admitted to the Otamendi Sanatorium as a result of a sharp deterioration in his cognitive abilities and that months before he had suffered a robbery at his home for nearly half a million dollars in objects of value and money, his family explained that the 82-year-old capocomico is “stable” following receiving the medical attention he needed and begged to ask “for his health and well-being.”

The statements are part of a statement that they sent in the last hours to the program “Socios del espectaculo”, from eltrece, in which they say that the artist has suffered from a “mental health condition” since the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 that it “progressively affected his cognitive ability and judgment,” although they did not confirm that it was Alzheimer’s.

“Since the first manifestations of this disease, Mr. Antonio Gasalla was evaluated by health professionals, and since then his care, adequate control and containment have been sought, always preserving his identity and respect for his public image”, continues the written.

In relation to the robbery that the actor and producer suffered some time ago, when a woman entered his home and with the help of accomplices took works of art, furniture and cash for a total of regarding 500,000 dollars, the communication asserted that the involved exercised “an apparent control” over him and that “even came to hinder contact with his family.”

Regarding his admission to Otamendi as a result of the worsening of his illness, the family pointed out that he was admitted “for the purpose of carrying out studies and clinical treatments necessary to stabilize his general health picture”, and that as of today he is “stable ”.

“Finally, we also thank all those who have sent us in one way or another signs of affection and accompaniment for Antonio in this difficult time,” the letter concludes.

#Gasallas #family #told #mental #health



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