“Beautiful Skin: Understanding Causes and Treatment for Black Spots in Nooks and Secret Places”

2023-05-06 15:14:00

The problem is troubling especially for girls. caused by dullness There is a black spot. Whether it’s in the groin, under the armpits, crooks, bikini lines, necklines, buttocks, or even in secret places, but did you know? That might be a sign of some disease? Check symptoms and treatment methods to reveal beautiful skin. be confident every day

What are the black spots in the nooks caused by??

  • the friction of the area between the meat Especially those who have plump shape or overweight, such as black groin due to long-term friction will make the skin dull

Did you know? Just “snoring” increases the risk of coronary heart disease 34% more than normal people.

acute attack of asthma Be aware of life-threatening risk factors.

  • improper hair removal too frequent and intense especially under the armpit causing the skin to be rubbed, injured repeatedly, sometimes resulting in ingrown hairs clogged pores The skin therefore responds by producing more pigment. Therefore causing dark circles to follow
  • allergy or irritation from cosmetics Body lotions, perfumes Sometimes, dark spots can be darkened by using these products.
  • humidity If the area is damp, whether from clothes that are too tight or neglect of cleanliness This can lead to accumulation of bacteria or fungi. Resulting in itchy blister, rash or pimples.
  • Pregnancy Because the hormones during pregnancy change. It may result in some pregnant mothers’ skin having dark spots or darkening on the neck, crook, groin and nipples, armpits, which normally these dark spots will disappear following childbirth.

A black neck can be a sign of disease. ?

The doctor explained that People with type 2 diabetes may experience black spots on the neck. which is a type of skin disease characterized by dark, thick, velvet-like skin Usually occurs in the armpits, neck and groin. It occurs when the body has insulin resistance due to high insulin levels. Will stimulate skin cells to grow more called Acanthosis nigricans (Acanthosis nigricans) This type of skin is often found in people who are very obese. Or in people with type 2 diabetes, it can also be found in other diseases such as lymphoma, liver cancer, gastrointestinal cancer. and from certain types of endocrine disorders And in those who receive certain drugs such as birth control pills and steroid drugs, etc. In addition, heredity, hormones, stress and allergies These are also internal factors that may result in hyperpigmentation. dark as well

“Bad breath” is a sign of poor oral health. Check the symptoms of chronic disease.

4 ways to reduce dark spots

  • Fruit acids or whitening creams

Normally, our skin will shed its own cells every 28 days, but with increasing age or frequent friction. causing skin cell turnover may not be normal The use of fruit acids (Alpha Hydroxy Acid-AHA) will accelerate the exfoliation of dead skin cells. The new born cells will have a color closer to the color of the skin more naturally. But choosing to buy should choose fruit acids. The type with a low concentration, not more than 15%, because if choosing a substance with a high concentration of acid, it may bite the skin until burning, inflammation and permanent blackness.

  • Refrain from using too many perfume-rich products.

Or skin care products that have been used and are allergic to irritation. When there is an allergic rash, irritation in the crooked joints should consult a doctor. Do not peel or scratch because inflammation may follow.

  • Lose weight within the criteria

from the legs squeezed together from being overweight It is recommended to lose weight and exercise. and not wearing pants that are too tight

  • using a laser

that helps reduce dullness and black marks by an experienced dermatologist For those who do not have time or want to see results quickly

However, if there is a problem with dark circles and there are signs of other diseases, you should see a doctor to treat it on point for a good quality of life to reveal healthy skin once more.

Thank you information from: Samitivej Hospital

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