“How buying a Tesla increases import of polluting cars – The truth revealed”

2023-05-06 14:59:17


Buying Tesla Helps Import More Polluting Cars

By acquiring a Tesla, the Swiss allow cars from other manufacturers to emit CO₂ without being sanctioned.


Tesla is selling CO₂ certificates to importers of more polluting vehicles.

20min/Marco Zangger

Teslas are popular in Switzerland and are among the best-selling electric cars here. Good for the environment? Not necessarily, the German-speaking newspapers of Tamedia revealed on Saturday.

Because when a Swiss buys a Tesla, he contributes to the fact that importers of combustion cars with high CO₂ emissions can import more of them without being penalized. Thus in 2020 and 2021, each electric vehicle of the American brand has enabled two or even three polluting cars to be registered in Switzerland without being penalized.

However, in Switzerland, new cars can emit an average of 118g of CO₂ per km. But for each importer, the Confederation sets an individual target, in this case 102g of CO₂ per km for Tesla. If this pollution is exceeded, there may be penalties. But since Tesla only builds electric cars, its CO₂ emissions are zero.

CO₂ certificates to the highest bidders

As a result, it auctions the emissions to which “it is entitled” in the form of CO₂ certificates sold to importers of more polluting cars. Both parties find their account, explain the newspapers: Tesla earns money by selling its certificates, the importer pays them, but thus avoids the sanctions of Bern which would cost him much more.

When questioned, the Confederation has no intention of moving. This is a long-established practice and regulated at ordinance level, writes the Federal Office of Energy. Politically, the critics are starting to make themselves heard, but we don’t see the need for immediate action either.

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