“Health Jobs in Valledupar: Opportunities in Clinics, Pharmacies, and Ambulance Services”

2023-05-06 00:02:50


Companies in the health sector, clinics, pharmacies and ambulance services are looking for personnel.


Job? Yes there are! In Valledupar, the capital of Cesar, several important companies in the health sector have announced their new vacancies for technical and professional personnel, to which citizens who meet the requirements can apply.

They are different profiles required of all ages, with good salaries and require minimum experience. These are opportunities in clinics, ambulance services and even in pharmacies located in the city.

The other job option is for home doctors, in Immediate Medical Assistance, AMI. The vacancy is open in hours from 1:00 in the afternoon to 10:00 at night on days from Monday to Saturday, but with availability for two Sundays a month. This job offer requires that the health professional know how to drive a mechanical car and have their documents up to date, such as a valid driver’s license.

Another of the jobs that are available in Valledupar is in the pharmaceutical sector, with vacancies in two important drugstores in the city.

The first is the Audifarma drugstore, where they require a pharmacy assistant, full-time and with a salary that ranges between 1,200,000 pesos and 1,500,000 pesos per month. The pharmacist must have at least six months of experience and there they offer him an indefinite term contract.

For a monthly payment of $1,524,800, plus $140,000 in transportation assistance and overtime pay, Cafam offers a vacancy for a pharmacy salesperson, professional technician in pharmaceutical services, or pharmacy assistant with a minimum of six months experience.

The firm Minerva Foods reported that it has a call for its Trainee Latam 2023 program, which for the first time is carried out simultaneously in the five countries of the region, in which the company has operations, that is, Colombia, Argentina , Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil.

The purpose of said program is to attract and develop potential talents to work at Minerva Foods through an accelerated process of development and knowledge of the business, so that in the future they can occupy strategic positions within the company.

Similarly, the initiative is carried out in a unified manner, as part of a plan to strengthen and evolve its organizational culture.

Likewise, there will be the opportunity to interact with trainees or interns from the five countries and get involved in projects of great complexity and high impact for the company’s global strategy.

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Adriano Lima, Global CHRO of Minerva Foods, declared that “by unifying the Trainee Program, our objective is to optimize the exchange of experiences and knowledge, since we are a global company with clear business objectives.”

To which he added that “we are looking for professionals in the countries of the region where we operate so that they contribute to disseminate and consolidate our organizational culture, which allows us to reach increasingly prominent positions, not only in our segment, but as a model company for Latin America and the world”.

According to the executive, to register, candidates must register on the website https://traineeminervafoods.across.jobs/es. Candidates must be professionals in the areas of Engineering (Industrial, Agronomic, Food, Chemical, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Computer Science, Data, Mechatronics, Production and related).

In addition, the opportunities available are in the areas of human resources, exports, logistics, engineering, livestock purchases, sourcing, internal market, industry, technology, related businesses (casings, skins and ingredients) and business intelligence. From Colombia, the firm serves markets such as Chile, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, among others.

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