2023-05-06 11:12:09
Today, May 6, 2023, Blizzard Entertainment announced the release of Overwatch 2.News page (English)updated.On this page, the Lifeweaver that was held the other dayBalancing effectsorFuture adjustment policyAaron Keller, the game director, talks regarding such things.
Director’s Perspective: Lifeweaver Follow-up
Lifeweaver following balancing
First, in conclusion, in the last update to Lifeweaver,Not as effective as expectedIt is said.
As a result of overall enhancements such as improved operability by changing keybinds, recovery method “Healing Blossom”, attack method “Thorn Volley”, and Ultimate “Tree of Life”, which has a large impact on the game, Lifeweaver’s win rate itself increased throughout the game. However, even though it improved, it wasn’t too much of a transition at around 45% at the lowest skill level, and a drop in the win rate was seen at an early stage in the high skill range.
As for the cause of this, in this adjustment, at the same time as changing the numerical value that the impact is easy to predict,Operability changes whose impact is difficult to predictwas performed, and it was pointed out that the amount of change in overall performance might not be estimated well.
Performance changes seen following update
As a result of the increased number of bullets of “Healing Blossom” and the increased amount of recovery of “Tree of Life”, LifeweaverHighest healing output in the gamebecame one of the heroes possessing , and actually recorded the highest value in some skill tiers. This state is consistent with the development side’s vision for Lifeweaver, and the result was satisfactory.
On the other hand, the “Thorn Volley”, which has a reduced spread rate, has a higher kill and elimination rate.slightI was stuck in the rise.In addition to these performances, Lifeweaverlowest death rate(Hard to die)support heroOne aspect was also confirmed (this is also one of the factors that make adjustment difficult). It may come as a surprise to you because there are comments on the internet that the hitbox is too big.The bullet amount itself is medium to high within the support roleis located in
Lifeweaver’s target position
From the above, Lifeweaver “best recovery performance“and”lowest death rateA hero who can do both”, and looks not too bad standing. However, the selection of heroes in Overwatch requires more than the actual values set for weapons and abilities, such as selection according to the development of the game, the uniqueness of the hero, and the composition concept.
For Lifeweaver, the points that can be the reason for this choice are “Life Grip” and “Petal Platform”.Utility performanceThe development team thinks so. While these have the potential to have a large impact on the game, the degree of success is inconsistent, and the current situation is that they are not used very actively in actual games, and there are also games where they are not used.
With that in mind, in future updates to Lifeweaver, players will be asked questions such as situations where the current configuration doesn’t work well, and how to make Lifeweaver a candidate as an answer.DareHe explains that he wants people to have a reason to choose Lifeweaver.
Of course, we may still make minor adjustments to Thorn Volley in the future, such as lowering his hit rate (reduced hitbox, etc.), etc., where he can be compared to other heroes, but in the end. The goal is to highlight Lifeweaver’s strengths and clarify its role within the team.
As a specific adjustment proposal,New passive abilityFurther enhancement of recovery performance byadditional effectand so on. At the same time, it is also stated that it is necessary to be careful regarding enhancing the receiving performance of defensive heroes, as overdoing it will adversely affect the overall tempo of the battle.
These proposed adjustments are initial proposals currently being tested,The completed form is scheduled to be implemented in season 5It is said that
more has been publishedNews page (English)is a summary of As a possible enhancement plan, can you think of giving “Life Grip” a debuff removal effect and recovery effect like “Blessing of the Bell”? What changes do you think Lifeweaver needs to make to become a better hero?
Source: Overwatch 2
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