What are the handles above the car doors for?

2023-05-06 12:02:38

Hold the handle of the car – Source: spm

Nothing is ostentatious in your car. Even if you have the impression that certain elements are only decorative, this is not the case. Tell yourself that everything has been thought out to the last detail. After all, your vehicle was in the hands of experienced engineers! Their objective: to optimize comfort, safety and practicality. So nothing is left to chance. Therefore, behind the installation of handles above the doors there is a specific purpose. And no, a priori, their vocation was not to hang your freshly ironed shirts on them. It’s true that it’s very practical to avoid creasing them (by the way, speaking of which, there are special hangers for cars). Another amazing revelation: these grips weren’t designed to cling to you either in the event of hard braking or fast cornering (the armrests are more than enough!). But then, what can they be used for?

When you get into a large vehicle, for example, it will be very practical for you to grab it to get inside or even to get out without having to do any acrobatics. Ah yes, indeed, we would not have thought of that! For a fairly narrow small car, the situation is almost reversed. The handles will be useful at this time for the disabled, pregnant women or the elderly. In fact, during the design of the Mercury Monterey minivan in the early 2000s, Jared Glaspell, an engineer at the manufacturer Ford, put on a pregnancy simulator to test the experience in order to improve comfort on board the vehicle. for future parents.

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Another tip: there is also a small hidden feature on most of the grab handles on the side windows. You can use them, for example, to hang jackets or even to darken the window when it’s really hot and you don’t have sun protection. However, be careful not to hide the side mirrors! For your own safety and that of the passengers, we remind you that you must always have a clear view to properly control blind spots.

Noticed : most cars only have three handles, just above the passenger door. The fourth is missing, for the driver.

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And what regarding the driver’s side grab handle?

car handle

Car handle – Source: spm

During long journeys, certain elements such as armrests and automatic locking seat belts are very useful to protect us and ensure our safety. So much so that one almost wonders if these handles would not be obsolete today. They actually seem outdated, yet manufacturers continue to integrate them into modern vehicles. You will therefore still find them above each door, with the possible exception of the driver’s side. But, by the way, why doesn’t he have one? No coincidence here either. Because he can easily lean once morest the steering wheel to get in and out of the car. To tell the truth, a handful might even have bothered him. Not to mention the risk of being tempted to grab it while driving (many drivers do this with models with four handles). However, we agree, holding the steering wheel with one hand, especially at high speed, is very dangerous on the road. It would therefore be an obstacle to his safety! In addition, this handle would not be used either to hang a shirt or a jacket on it, since that would prevent good visibility. However, if you really want to, it is possible to install an additional grab handle in your car. To do this, contact a specialized workshop to order the one that would be most appropriate for your vehicle. This is the best way to ensure a professional installation and avoid junk. The goal is to have a solid handle, well attached and resistant to all kinds of shocks!

Read also: I always knock on the hood of the car before each departure. This trick was revealed to me by a mechanic

#handles #car #doors



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