“Know the Signs: Understanding the Symptoms of Stroke for Early Detection”

2023-05-04 03:26:48

Stroke charity Executive Director Alexis Kolodzij shared her experience with stroke with people, explaining the risks.

She said: “A stroke occurs when your brain is deprived of oxygen either because of a clot that stops blood flow, or bleeding. Once your brain loses oxygen, your cells begin to die and you lose the function of everything that this area of ​​your brain was responsible for.”

“The brain is the control center of the body, and each stroke feels different depending on its location and size,” Koludzij explained.

“There is a wide range of symptoms and it can be difficult to diagnose a stroke,” the health expert said, speaking to Sun on Sunday Health.

However, there are eight symptoms people should know better about, according to the Stroke Association. One of the most common signs of a stroke is when there is a noticeable drooping of one side of the face – especially if it occurs suddenly.

Another possible indicator of a lack of oxygen in brain cells is the inability to raise and hold the arms as well.

A stroke can also cause stuttering or a person suddenly finding it difficult to find the right words.

These three signs of stroke can be remembered better with the FAST test.

Another sign to watch out for is a sudden onset of double or blurry vision or loss of vision in one (or both) eyes.

Sudden and severe memory loss, or confusion, can be an indication of a stroke.

Brain damage caused by a stroke may lead to loss of balance, dizziness or lightheadedness, and falls.

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A stroke may also lead to difficulty swallowing, although it is unlikely to be a stroke if this is the only symptom of the condition.

Pay attention if there is an immediate loss of sensation on one side of the body.

Signs of a stroke:

– drooping face.

Arm weakness.

Speech problems.

blurred vision

Sudden memory loss.

Loss of balance.

Difficulty swallowing.

Loss of feeling on one side of the body.

#Doctors #monitor #common #symptoms #stroke

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